Problem with wunderground upload

I am unable to get the wunderground upload to function in the latest version of WD I just downloaded. I get hour glass waits as I mouse over the “click to join link” or the “view your data” link. Even if the upload swith is off. WD Linux is almost usable.


I think I see the problem. I checked the Borland Kylix web page and Kylix only supports:


what distro are you using. WD linux will work on Mandrake 9.1, Red Hat Fredora core, Suse 8.2 and 9.1, Debian for sure (they are people using these)…

what version of WD are you using??

those on the WD site may be curropted, you might try these two links…

The two I’ve tried are RH 9.1 and RH 3.0 AS. There is a kernal change and library change to get to these versions. Thanks for the compatability info. The Distro I need to have WD work on at the moment is RH 9.1. But without OS updates it’s a dead end street.

Bob - I have WD running (for the most part) on Fedora core 1. Fedora is now the “hobbiest” or home version of Redhat. Check it out at

WD worked pretty much ‘out of the box’ with Fedora except I had some silly ASUS motherboard bios com port config problems. Once I got the com port thing resolved, WD was fairly happy. I still have a few operational issues, though. There are a few broken things in the Linux version of WD and there is a lot of tidying up with the app that needs to be done. The Windoze version of WD might be fairly mature, but the Linux version is not as yet.


yeah, those links are designed to open Internet Explorer (i.e stuff from the windows version left in the linux version)
so i need to change it so it just shows the link, so you can copy/paste it


Thanks for the post. WD runs on RH 9.1 and RH 3.0 as, but is unstable. I can see the weather station data. I don’t seem to be able to FTP or Upload to Underground Weather. I am not sure that I am able to reach the network. I have a perment connection via RoadRunner so there no modem dialing etc. After 5 Minutes or so WD hangs and needs to be restarted. It is generally not very solid, I get busy hour glass cursors when I mouse over the two network related items on the Underground weather upload page. The items don’t function either. Do you get the hour glass wait when you mouse over the link to wunderground weather and the test button on the underground weather upload page?

Are you able to FTP and upload to Underground Weather? Thanks again.


OK, the links on the underground weather page don’t work, that would be OK, but the underground weather doesn’t upload either, is that broken as well? I guess I am beating on a dead horse!!! Is there a list of things that don’t work on Linux WD? That would be helpful. Is there anything I can do to fix some of them?


the wunderground upload is done with the separate ftpupd program,…
and so I am surprised that it affects weatherd itself
but Vergil reports this as well
the problem is i dont have my linux pc connected to the internet…so i cant test/fix these things
i only have a dial up modem on the windows pc you see.

but i am planning on getting broadband soon, and so then i should be able to get it connected via a router, and fix this problem, hopefully.

the only other thing not working is the sun/moon rise/set times…i need to try and port the routines


Thanks for the reponse. I looked for ftpupd, but it was not a file name I could find. Would you please tell me more about ftpupd:

Is it a program in the Linux WD package?

Where is it?

I have tried to substitue another executable on the setup page, but it won’t execute, do you have any ideas? How should the 2 buttons avove the place to enter the executable name be set?


i forgot
its been a while
i remember now
i have the ftpupd program built into the linux program, as otherwise i could not work out how to execute it as a separate program
so, i would say that its when the wunderground times out or some other error from wunderground that causes the whole thing to crash…
i will look soon to see if i can prevent that

Bob, what version are you using?

if you install
in that order, you should be using version 3.0

do you have the internet connect on under ftp/interent/etc…? make sure that the “on/off” button is green, it doesn’t matter if it says off or on. The ftp works fine for me, except APRS. Also, check the ftplog.txt and see if it says anything there.


I requested an upload now on the manual ftp upload form

Contents of ftplog.txt

FTPUPD.EXE finished at 09:23:47 PM 05/07/2004
Time taken = 0.00 minutes
Total bytes uploaded = 0 K

Contents of ftplogfull.txt

list of files uploaded*
actual messages from upload session*
Permanent connection selected
Permanent connection, will do ftp now
Finshed email agenda
Finshed email agenda, and more Internet agenda items to do…
Logging onto FTP server…
Connecting to FTP server.
220 (vsFTPd 1.1.3)
USER wdisplay
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful. Have fun.
200 Switching to Binary mode.
CWD ./
250 Directory successfully changed.
Checking for next FTP agenda…
there are 1 more things to do
Checking there are files to upload
No files to upload
All Agenda complete, doing FTP log off…
FTP logoff
221 Goodbye.
Doing abort procedure/program close…

I was able to manully upload the file with the Linux FTP

??? Comments ???

so will it work when you try to do a scheduled ftp upload??

No – Here is the file I am using: WeatherD-2.2b.tar.gz

what settings do you have selected?

humm, check you dont have the formated email in use maybe?
worse comes to worse, email me the file wdisplay.ini
and i will have a look here the next time i fire up and delve into the linux version
(been helping a neighbour shift house all day today, now off to mow my mums lawn, and then play hockey

Best I can tell it is not in use. I emailed the ini file to you, let me know if you figure something out. Thanks.



No, I haven’t tried the WU upload as yet. I’ll try to get that working and report my results. I also get the “hourglass” when I mouse over those links - that’s broken (not enabled?) in the linux version.

It would be nice to have a laundry list of things of features that are not “enabled” in the Linux version (or broken.) I for one have spent a lot of time trying to implement program features that are unavailable in the Linux version.

More later.
