Problem with Weather Display

Hi guys,

mayb it’s been posted earlier, but my weather isnt updating after 15 min.

My weatherstation is a La crosse, WS2500.
Is this a populair problem and can you tell me what to do?

Everything works, no error’s founded.

If the program starts, he’s updating one time,

19,1 C and then he does nothing…not updating.


et data click
Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
setting first data…
setting first data
Ackl, stopping timer
getting data
Data length= 40
Block Nr: 227
Block Age: 23
new raw baro 1028.0
new indoor temp 26.0
new indoor hum 43.0
Brightness sensor 0.0 lux
Solar sensor 38.5 w/m2
Temp/hum :13.9

Look at the bug report above your post. Maybe that will shed some light on what Brian is dealing with. I don’t know how similar your station is to mine. I have the WS2210

yeah,i am working on imroving things with that station
last time i ran a test it was ok for me
currently i am working on the 2010-13 data logger

try the latest version

(temporary location)

and let me know

but, does clicking on get data, have the data then arrive ok?

i will get back to running more tests on the ws2500 soon…once i get the ws2000 working correct (nearly there)


i have the newest version (10.12i).


get data click
Ws2500 timer on.


i have try the newest version (10.12j) it works only when the program starts.

This is only a information reply if it’s already working with WS 2500 or not.

ok, i am doing work on the ws2500 today, now that i have the ws2010-13 data logger working correct

hi ok, i am doing work on the ws2500 today, now that i have the ws2010-13 data logger working correct

Thank you Windy,

will you post if there is a new version of Weather display ?

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

10.12k is working OK here with the ws2500PC
and I will test with the 2500 console soon, but I am hoping it will be Ok 10.12k should be ready to download in another hour

hi all

10.12k now and get this message :
ERROR: The value assigned to the ModeName property is invalid at time/date 8:28:04 17-5-2004

There is no data recieving from the logger
the mainscreen has thick dubble lines in graph
and white background colour for the datavalues
(seems it doesn’t read wdisplay.ini in well)

back to 10.10t is working fine !

that is a problem with the speech setup
either reset the speech setup/turn it off/ re do the setup

and or try the latest version again
(10.12k beta)
which is working perfectly for me here with both the ws2500 pc and ws2500 console version and the Ws2200 type stations (and this has been confirmed by others too)


it’s not only voice
it’s sensors not found
no data (quality Keeps red)
backgroundlabels colour (white ipo backgroundcolour)
graphlines blue and fat ipo grey thin

that’s too much to set up again
I think 1012k is reading wdisplay.ini somewere else then default (C:\WINNT)

but were ?? did you count on the beast (ws2000? :twisted: )

you are correct
i mistakingluy upload a version that the US navy wanted

re starting the correct version upload now!

but, instead, download the file

bingo you are correct i mistakingluy upload a version that the US navy wanted

re starting the correct version upload now!

but, instead, download the file

Hi windy,

i have tested the newest version, but i get a error:

ERROR: List index out of bounds (2) at time/date 13:18:26 17-5-2004

And with my clientrawrealtimeftp i get this error:

230 User hjalmar logged in.
CWD /www/
250 CWD command successful.
200 Type set to A
145: Can’t open LocalFile for reading.

  • It’s now in Hoofddorp 23.9C. The Weather Display says 13.0C.

Not working yet…

the cant open local file:
try deleting the clientraw.txt file so that wd can recreate it
it sounds like its got locked ,or similar

re the list index error:
are you using the 10.10k zip version?
email me your settings files, wdisplay.ini , from c:\windows or c:\winnt
and i will see if i can duplicate it

the cant open local file: try deleting the clientraw.txt file so that wd can recreate it it sounds like its got locked ,or similar

re the list index error:
are you using the 10.10k zip version?
email me your settings files, wdisplay.ini , from c:\windows or c:\winnt
and i will see if i can duplicate it

Yes, i have the 10.10k zip version.

I have e-mailed the wdisplay.ini file to you.
I hope you can find the bug.

hi all,

Brian looks better here now !
thanks for action !

working for us navy brian ?
that’s a big member of the community 8O
never seen them here at forum … :roll:

good news
sorry about that mistake of mine
which uses a wdisplay.ini file saved where you have WD installed , instead of c:\winnt or C:\windows

US navy:
they have been a user of WD for a long time, and a few times they have been on this forum, but you would not know , LOL

WD is used in various US navy Ports around the world :slight_smile:

bed time here, midnight now

Hi Windy,

not working yet.

See the picture:


i think i know whats wrong
go to view, ws2010-13/2500 data logger setup

then set the outdoor sensor number to use as 1
then click on OK
then restart WD

also, dont run the PC weather station software, as the data is only available once…i.e once a program gets the data from the station, no more is available to any other program…

aslo, with weather display, every time you restart it, it delays the next data to be available, from the WS2500 console station…i.e let WD run for at least 15 minutes…i.e it gets the next lot of data every 15 minutes (its every 5 minutes with the WS2500PC (and i might be able to set the console version to every 5 minutes…there must be a way))

i think i know whats wrong go to view, ws2010-13/2500 data logger setup

then set the outdoor sensor number to use as 1
then click on OK
then restart WD

also, dont run the PC weather station software, as the data is only available once…i.e once a program gets the data from the station, no more is available to any other program…

aslo, with weather display, every time you restart it, it delays the next data to be available, from the WS2500 console station…i.e let WD run for at least 15 minutes…i.e it gets the next lot of data every 15 minutes (its every 5 minutes with the WS2500PC (and i might be able to set the console version to every 5 minutes…there must be a way))

Hi Windy,

Okay, i am going to wait 15 min for the data updates.
The sensor was always be ‘‘1’’.
No changes.

I know that, the PC Weather Station is disabled if Weather Display is running.

Sorry for my bad english :oops: .