problem with w.d and w.d.l


a few days ago i informed you about the w.d that doesn’t get right information from the weather link. i’ve been told by you to send you 2 files from the data backup but i didn’t get answer. please send me your mail.

now i have another problem with w.d.l
it begings cofiguring… and it doesn’t show up.

tamir engel

re email me those files
must have got lost in all the emails that i get.

now i have another problem with w.d.l it begings cofiguring... and it doesn't show up.
Post the URL of your website and I'll have a look


ok, i have your settings
i am posting this here in case others have this same issue
first big clue is on the top window bar of WD , (i.e metar update, com port disconnected)

to turn that off, go to this setup (setup, contol panel, ftp/internet setup, ftp/metar download)
and untick, use this metar to update weather displays data (and untick use the metars humidity, barometer , etc)
then click on OK, then restart WD
(only tick those if you do not have a weather station)

aloso, the metar name is wrong, and the text yo have entered for the ftp download is case sensitive (you have used capitals)