Problem with version 10.15

I am having a problem with version 10.15. Whenever I load it, the program will get all the way loaded and lock. Then the watch dog will attempt to start a second WD window which obviously gives an error and says comm port error. Then other times, the program will load, and then after some period of time, say this program will close… etc. (the common error window when a program has just errored in WinXP with the send and don’t send). For example, yesterday at 4pm i started the program. At 1am this morning it errored out.

I am running a 1.3ghz machine WinXP 128mb ram, 40gb hd.

Please help. This messes up my graphs/records and also makes my webpage go offline.

Eric :? [/b]

I’m running 10.15d on WinXP here with no issues. System is 1.4 gig amd processor and 384 MB Ram. What other programs do you have running in addition to WD? And have you checked the WD folder after the program errors out (and before you restart it) for the error log text file that may have been generated by WD. If you have observed the program crash, do you happen to remember what it was in the process of doing, or trying to do, at the time it halted?

The strage thing is that after each crash, the error file is still blank. Alas I do not know what it is usually doing when it crashes b/c im usually not home.

I think I may have fixed the problem though. It seems to start up fine now though. Under the new station selection page, I selected the WM918/WX200. ALSO almost all of the checkboxes were selected. I’m thinking that the problem must have been something along the lines of it was looking for a Davis WeatherLink or a 1wire. I don’t know for sure, but we’ll see in a few days (or if it’s still running by morning).

As far as other programs… I know the family’s got a few instant messangers running, the dsl connection stat program, a program I wrote to work along side with WD that interprets data how I personally want it on my site (already eliminated that option by closing it…plus all it does is reads the clientraw files).

One more thing. Once after a crash it did have a line in the error file, but all it said was unknown error (perhaps something similar… simply put it didnt describe anything).


(I still do agree with you though, it is the best weather software. I own both Virtual Weather Station and WeatherView32, but still come back to WD :smiley: )