Not sure if this is a bug but here goes-
Now I have MySQL running OK I thought that it would overcome my problem of having WD down overnight and missing records in the db. Today I added month122004.inf to the db assuming that it would have contained the data from the archive that WD downloads at start up each day. However I am still missing the data from overnight. But the strange thing is that it is missing from 00:15:00 when I shutdown, starts again at 07:00:00 through to 07:13:00 and then I get 1 min records OK from 07:54:00 onwards. I started my PC this morning at around 07:45 and WD soon afterwards! So something screwy is happening with the data in month122004.inf but what? Having just looked back over the records added from this file for the previous few days the overnight data is always missing and the also seem other mornings where there is a gap between records!
when you go to view, graph history, does the data show up for the missed overnight period?
if i have the wdmysqql being driven from within WD, then I could have that being uddated auto…
I will see if i can do that
If I do View-Graph History then the real time graph is missing the hours from 0 to 7. On the other graph showing the past 24 hours etc data I cannot tell as there is no time information on the graph!