Problem of WxSim

WxSim forecast execution is very slow, even taking 14 or 15 minutes.

Perhaps check your PC is running well, e.g. disk or memory problems. I’ve just run a complete data download, WxSim run and forecast upload in about 2.5 minutes.

I run wxsim on Linux using wine and the whole process starts on the hour and from starting wxsimlite then wxsimate and then wxsim takes about 14 minutes to complete the forecast, the wxsim part being about 4 minutes max as it starts at +10 minutes in and ends by +14 minutes. So I’d definitely check your pc. The wine overhead on Linux probably accounts for the slightly longer wxsim run time and the fact it is not a super fast pc I’m running on.


Thanks for your answers, but how can I know that my computer is okay, if all the other programs I run are apparently working fine?

try to activate ‘minimize form’, it speeds up the processing

Hello, good evening, following your instructions, the execution time has been reduced significantly, from 14 minutes to 6 minutes. Thank you very much for your contribution. Best regards.