Problem loading consolewd on Raspberry Pi 3

you just run it
from where you have consolewd installed (i.e make sure you extract it to there)
or just double click on the execetuble icon

I am sorry but I’m at a total loss. If I run ‘/home/pi/consolewdfiles/ sudo ./consolewd’ I get the program to run in the terminal window.
If I look in the directory consolewefiles I see both consolewd and wdpi files.
If I run ‘/home/pi/consolewdfiles/sudo ./wdpi’ I get command not found

I also have no visible icon that i can double click on. If I double click on the file it brings it up in LibreOffice Writer.




I have been unable to get that file to work either. I am just not up enough on linux, yet anyway, to figure this out. I can’t get the file to execute as I do consolewd.

I think the program will be okay as it is, with the changes to the rain measurement. I can probably live with reporting to Weather Underground every five minutes.

I am working on getting the ftp settings correct so that I can report to the weather services. The settings on my Weather Display for windows don’t give me the settings that I need for the config file.

I am still working on it, hopefully will get it going today. I appreciate your help in trying to get this to work for me.


I am still unable to get the config file setup to send the data to the services. I am running weather display on a windows 7 machine, version 10.3753 and was wondering if you could extract the information needed from that software to complete the config file for the raspberry pi.

I will continue to work on this, but only by a process of elimination.


when you say services , what services exactly?

Sending to Weather Underground, CWOP and PWS.

you already have wunderground uploads working, yes?

just make sure to exit consolewd when you make the changes
e.g set to Y for so cwop uploads
and set your CWOP ID and lat/long (what are you entering for that?)

Yes I have Weather Underground, CWOP and PWS working on my Windows version. Everthing on that software is working perfectly. Is the linux software for the raspberry pi 3 that is killing me. Its loading the data to my raspberry pi but I can’t get it to send.


so you do not have wunderground updates working from consolewd?
can you post a screen shot of what you do see currently re consolwd on raspberry pi?

also email me your config.txt file

email sent.

turns out I had not compiled the cron programs for raspberry pi 3 #-o (which is arm64)

I have done that now and re uploaded the consolewd64.tar.gz file

I am trying to get wonsolewd (for Rpi 3) running on a Rpi 3B. Following the instructions in the readme file, I got down to the command:

sudo ./consolewd

and got an error message “no such command”. Any ideas?

Try changing the permission of the program
sudo chmod 777 consolewd

Should that command go just before the sudo ./consolewd cmd?

separate command altogether