Would i be possible to calculate the prevailing wind for say - day, month, Year. Based on count of wind direction stats. 16 points of compass would be sufficient for me. And have this included in the Web upload stuff.
under view, averages/extreme, the wind direction shown there is the average of that whole period
so for the current month, its average of month to date
if you select an older month, its average of that whole month
if you choose just a day, its average of just that day
if you scroll down on that page, there is other info, and one of them is an image that is availble with the daily averages/extreme upload, and it looks like a population statistic…i.e it shows the % direction for each 16 compass point, and the wind speed at that direction
e.g mine is
availble from
but there are also custom tags from that report , and you can have just 1 line from that report inserted into your default wd web page…if you tick to allow custom tags, in the web files/web page setup
i have the weather forecast from the davis VP on my default wd web page, using that ability
and scroll right down to see it
How about a wind rose Brian? Looks like it could be fun to program.
sort of already is one:
Yes - sorry, didnt make myself clear. I knew about the wind distribution graph. the others above do look very groovy. What I was really looking for was a plain text statement indicating prevalent wind direction in the XML output.
%monthtodateavdir%…Average direction so far for the month
try adding that to the xml file
(as per instructions on another thread)