Possible solar bug

For some time now (accross a number of WD versions) I have been noticing a “drop-out” in the solar reading at about between 14:00-14:30 each day. The dropout seems to vary in length of time. Would it be possible to get a copy of the latest version that writes the raw 1-wire solar values to a log file so I can try and see where the problem might be. Or does this log already exist somewhere?

I know ZL2TS is having a similar problem with his 1-wire solar sensor also.


I now also note a mirror jump to 100% for about 10 minutes at between 17:30 to 18:00. Is there anywhere I can look for that raw data log?

Here is a screen capture of the solar “spike” at 19:00. I checked the raw data at the time and it does not support this graph reading (in other words it was still going down as the graph went up :?) . I’m using the % graphing with the raw/max calculation.

it looks like a offset i have appplied around sunset
which version of wd is this with (have you tried the very latest version, as I have made a change there)
(but it might be that i should only apply that offset to a temperature sensor solar sensor only)

This “solar spike” looks identical to the spike I am getting at Gladstone Weather at 6 am where the extra sensors [solar in jam jar, soil, grass min] are all giving incorrect readings.
Will post Gladstones spike tomorrow.

it looks like a offset i have appplied around sunset which version of wd is this with (have you tried the very latest version, as I have made a change there) (but it might be that i should only apply that offset to a temperature sensor solar sensor only)

Brian, I’m up to 10.18n if I remember rightly. I assumed that as I was using that “raw reading” option that no other calculations would be applied to it. Is there a similar offset applied aroung the 14:00 mark to account for the dip? (I’ll post a screen grab of that next time we get a good sunny day here :lol:)

i am uploading a new 10.19a zip now that will fix this once and for all (it only affects the solar %, no the solar wm/2 plotted)

i cant upload a new version, so its not available at the moment this fix, as I have not been able to get FTP access to the server now for over 12 hours (something strange is going on)

try a new zip version from thios temporary location (as i cant access the WD server at the moment):

Downloading now. Will let you know the results at the end of the day.


note that i still need to fix a few things, like with the sun rise/set icons, with this version
(but I am relief milking cows this weekend, and that takes 5 hours out of the day)

actualy, grab 10.19b from that same location now,…it shoudl fix that sunrise/set issue
(and now you can set to not show sunrise/set on the main screen (see in the summary image and icon setup)

Will check 10.19b tonight. That zip version of 10.19a certainly fixed the end of day spike - thanks. =D>

I think the “dips” to 0% may still be there but I need to do some more checking on that.

Thanks again for the support. :smiley:


I am troubled by drop outs solar reading goes to zero during good sun light
Got more than a Zero drop out today.

I got no solar reading till I got home and went into the control panel
and solar sensor setup when I was presented with this page
I first saw the maximum radiation for lat/date update/populate then a few seconds later
I got a current raw reading and then a solar reading.
This seems a bit puzzling I could understand If I had gone to 1 Wire setup and did a save reset
to discover the ROMS

any idea

Regards John

so just by viewing the solar setup screen, things came correct?

Yes Brian

The first action I made I went to the control panel and solar setup
and this is what happend after going to that screen this seemed to initialized a raw reading!
I thought it might be worth noting I will watch to see if this happens again, when presented with a long duration zero reading.
this is why it stood out so clearly I got no solar reading all day.

for a while I have been troubled by intermittent zero reading but having other issues
prevented any worth while contribution to this sensor trouble. I am confidant the 1 Wire network
is stable now
A firmware upgrade to the Link Hub I have has been successful, no ROM dropouts and good voltage

Thanks John

Thanks John