popup windows & configuration screens

I know this isnt really a big issue but neverthless it annoys me. I am new to WD and am in the setting up stages.
I do however find it annoying that any popup window I get never seems to be the correct size. I can resize it to suit, but it doesnt remember those settings.

Secondly some of the configuration screens have lots of settings. Great I love configurable software, but why is it when I have made a choice the window closes and I then have to re-open it…

Dont get me wrong its not a big issue. I have to say I get similar problems with my own developers - so its not a problem specific to you Brian…


i have desigend the forms for windows 2000
i.e its the extra wide window title bar in XP that might be to blame (i.e try setting windows to classic style?)
or if you are only running it in 800x600 resolution…i.e try running it with a higher screen resolution maybe…or try not using large font settings in windows, desktop preferences…maybe…

but what i could do it save the size of the window, and restore next time

which window is closing after making a selection?

Switching to classic style fixes it, but I don’t like that look. So I will put up with windows that don’t fit into thier boxes. Does make WD look less than professional that way, but that isn’t why I am using it. I like the functionality you provide, not to mention the personal touch.

Sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope all goes well with your family. Take care.

I don’t think what Geoff is referring to is an XP problem (although he may use XP). I have the same “problem” with w2k. I don’t think it is a problem as much as it is a cosmetic & learning curve issue. My screen resolution is 1280x1024. When I open a window such as the control pannel, it never opens to full size. Some icons are always at least a bit hidden by the window borders. When I resize the window, all is well, but I have to resize it every time. Also there is at least one window (email wraning setup) that always opens to full screen when I don’t want it to. :wink:

This is a heck of a powerful program with an emense learning curve! As a new user I found the configure screens & dropdowns quite overwhelming. It seemed like I would just find the drop down I needed, slect one thing, then everythign would vanish and half the time I couldn’t remember how I got there. I’ve been using it long enough I’m starting to get the feel of it, but I am still overwhelmed by the amount I don’t know when it comes to what I want to do. (does that make sense?)

It is just an interface design thing. My first impression was that all effort went into function with very little into interface design. Sure didn’t stop me from buying this wonderfuly powerful program, but I wish I had more time to play.

In the meantime I will just keep tinkering and reading here and who knows, maybe some day I will be able to help write an idiot’s guide to power settings.


I don't think what Geoff is referring to is an XP problem (although he may use XP). I have the same "problem" with w2k. I don't think it is a problem as much as it is a cosmetic & learning curve issue. My screen resolution is 1280x1024. When I open a window such as the control pannel, it never opens to full size. Some icons are always at least a bit hidden by the window borders. When I resize the window, all is well, but I have to resize it every time.
I use W2K in 1024by768 and the control panel opens perfectly for me. Realistically, how often does anyone open the control panel? I'm not a windows programmer, is it even possible to get a single solution which will work perfectly for every combination of OS and screen resolution in use? If I was managing a project with a finite resource I don't think I would be devoting it to cosmetic issues on infrequently used windows, which is not to say that I wouldn't appreciate perfection for $60 :wink:

using wd on the wifes pc, i do see the scroll bars…on some on the windows…under XP

for large setup screens, like the weather warning setup, i have it set to maximum size, becuase for smaller than 800x600 screen size, it doesnt show the scroll bars unless i set it to use full screen…i.e i was trying to accomadate as many screen sizes as i could…

but what i really should do is split the screens into tabs more…instead…i.e the weather warning setup screen…

Realistically, how often does anyone open the control panel?

Well, over the last couple months, FREQUENTLY as I try to get things configured!

It is not a big problem. Just a minor annoyance. Of course I’d prefer what limited time Brian has be spent on the guts of the program. I just know how frustrating it is trying to find stuff as a new user. :wink:


for large setup screens, like the weather warning setup, i have it set to maximum size, becuase for smaller than 800x600 screen size, it doesnt show the scroll bars unless i set it to use full screen.....i.e i was trying to accomadate as many screen sizes as i could...

Makes sense.

Yes, more tabs could be useful, bur really, I was just using those as an example. My major frustration was the “general & miscellaneous database setup” on the Setup menu drop down. It may not be used much over time, but the cats left the room while I was working with that thing. :smiley:


yeah, i could pull more out of there and put into a misc control panel…
i will look at doing that too
(just got 2 extra kids (cousins ) in the house at the moment, and its bedlum!

I am using 1024*760 resolution and yes I do use XP. I will try the prog at work where I use win2k.

We store window size data as a Reg setting and reload from that - if thats any help Brian.

The second issue I was referring to related to the FTP setup screen in the Control panel. If I choose any tab and then save a setting the whole dialog closes and I have to reload from the Control panel.

As I stated previously these are not life or death issues. However I do remember Brian stating in one of his posts that he would like to get Weather Central (or someone similar) to sell his program.

Its silly issues like this that can make the difference.


Hmm - kids. Before I got divorced and they went to live with their mother I had 6, so I know what its like Brian !!!

with the ftp/internet sup, only click on OK once you have finished the settings
i will add save settings button…so it wont close after clicking on help
that will help
it was weathertools.com
they only sell weatherview32 you see

i have now made a extra settings/misc settings screen
(see under setup)
in 10.13p beta
uploading now

should be a good thing
(dang it took me the whole evening to do!)

We store all windows settings in .ini files with most of our projects. It makes the code more portable.

PS Weather Display has been running since 6/17/04 (20 days) with out s single hiccup. This is amazing here because we have so many power glitches during the summer.

Thanks for a wonderful hobby enhancing product Brian.

Just grabbed the latest version for a quick look. That helps! Thanx


uploading 10.13q now to fix a bug:
the screen gets set to all LCD numbers when you go to that new extra settings/misc settings setup!!! (just untick that option)
(it was 12:30 am in the morning and i was getting tired and I missed that) 8O

also, i will re do the weather station type selection menu a similar way too now

I’d noticed that, but it was easily fixed and I was running late :).

I really think a few of these fixes will help us newbies.


Realistically, how often does anyone open the control panel?

Well, over the last couple months, FREQUENTLY as I try to get things configured!

Good point, that’s when a new user is getting their impression of the program.

10.13r beta
i have finished converting the weather station type and setup selection to a new format
should be much better, and new users will less likely make mistakes

i tried not to introduce any bugs…!