Not sure if this is a question or a feature request.
Is it possbile to have WD output its files as .php instead of .html?
I see the option to change from .htm to .html …
A search of the forums is hard because .php is in many references not talking about this.
This is not a really biggie since the data and the files are on the same server area, I can use the html include itself. But if you are attempting to include from offsite, that doesn’t work.
if you use the customise internet and file creation to update and upload all wd files ( i recommend it)
then you can set a remote file name for say wx2.html to wxphp.php
or you can use the special file conversion in the custom web page setup
i.e set a file name to convert (and set the new remote file name)
(done use already in use filenames like wxlocal.html, wxlocal2.html…use a new filename (i.e create that file first, in the web files folder, with the custom tags in it)