Thought you guys might like to see these
The “topdresser” aeroplane has been flying fertiliser onto the farm , and I took these photos (the close up is right underneath the end of the airtstrip, as it it taking off, ral noisy!, Alliser was going, wow, cool! (and he is only 2 years old next month!)
I also had a ride, to show them the farm boundaries…that was fun!
How many acres is your farm, and what kinda crops are you growing?
its a dairy Farm.
100 ha (240 acres) of grass.
140 cows.
the plane was spreading superphosphate, and sulphur and potasium (i.e PKS)
HI Brian
Might be a good retirement job for me in 2 1/2 years !! Might put the fun back in flying. Sure GLAD to hear that your Dad is doing well. He’s in our prayers.
WD had been working just GREAT here resulting in my lack of posts. Ha Ha
Keep up the GREAT work.
i had a good talks to the pilots…
there was actualy 2 planes flying!
1 taking off and the other landing pretty close behind.
the other place is a “Fletcher”…wider wing span, bent up on the ends.
they can carry up to 1 tonne load…
the airstrip is relatively steep, and so the accelerate qucikly to take off…but taking off over a gully like that,wow.
no gps, they just keep an eye on each other,but there is a gps unit used for application…mainly for aerial spraying
they had perfect weather conditons, light winds (which we dont get much of!)
We spray the cotton here using planes but I have never heard of spreading fertilizer via a plane. Is it dropping solid or liquid?
They seed the rice fields by plane here. Pretty exciting when you are driving along the freeway and one of those guys is flying at (what looks like) zero feet right alongside you.
This may be a dumb question 8O
But, why would you need to fertilizer cow pastures??? Wouldn’t the cows “enrich” the soil on their own??? :oops:
They take more than they give and when they do give it’s spotty at best.
If you look very, very closely it looks a lot like Airforce One !
Well, heck the contents do the same thing , spreading the BS.
ME? A democrat? Yep. OK. this is the weekend to fiddle with WD.
hello Brian…
very nice shots, but I saw you have noise specially on the dark blue part of your shots…
You should try neatImage
It is a shareware, but there is a demo you are allowed to use as long as you want… It is really a very very good soft, that I use very often for my astro pictures… You should try it… speacially for your very important shots… (familly etc)
Hope it can help some of us… have a nice day