Persistant Problem

Does ANYBODY know the cure for this;

get data click
Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
setting first data…
setting first data
Ackl, stopping timer
Ackl, stopping timer
getting data
get data click
Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
getting data
Ackl, stopping timer
No more data available*
get data click
Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
getting data
Ackl, stopping timer
No more data available*
get data click
Ws2500 timer on
Ackl, stopping timer
getting data
Ackl, stopping timer
Data length= 42
Block Nr: 47
Block Age: 5
new raw baro 1020.0
new indoor temp 20.1
new indoor hum 50.0
Brightness sensor 21700.0 lux, Bright sunlight
Solar sensor 18.6 w/m2
Temp/hum :14.9

Is this a 2500 Console?

I don’t know the cure, but I have the same problem in another post. My 2510-11 console gains time when I turn my computer on in the morning or coming back from a trip.

I noticed you had 5 block #48’s and 4 #50 and 5 #51’s. These appear to be all dupes. Mine is doing the same thing except not as many dupes and fewer retries.

I also noticed we both use a 3 gig+ computer. I believe Brian tests with a slower computer. This could be why some of us have these kinds of issues.

I also noticed we both use a 3 gig+ computer. I believe Brian tests with a slower computer. This could be why some of us have these kinds of issues.

I am thinking that too…
as the wake up for the ws2500 is a command sent at a certain speed…and a “i am awake” signal is sent back…
but yes a very fast pc might make this sync process not work correct…
try setting the priority of wd to a lower priority?
the other thing i can do is add a user defined timer…i.e so you guys can tweak it

i dont have the problem here on my 1.8ghz pc…

Hi Ed, Brian,
Yes it is a console version. Pity really because most of the other features are working well.
I have set WD to the lowest priority, but with that being the only thing running most of the time it has little competition with its priority request on the cpu.

i will try and get a version up tomorrow, where you can set the timing rate of the wake up procedure…
and we will go from there :slight_smile:

Thanks Brian, it’s worth a shot

try a new zip version download now
( a new 10.12z)
and then in the ws2000 data setup, you can adjust the ws2500 timer…
60 is the default
try a higher number, say 70, etc

Brian, I could not find it. Can you see it in the 2010-13 screen also. I switched to 2510 console, re-ran the program and can not find it. Was looking in same place as the LUX setting for the 2500.


you must not have the latest zip
try a download again of the latest zip version… :wink:


Came back after three days and watched the download. The block numbers would dupe about 30% of the time. Kept stopping the program and tried settings 65 to 100 the max and then 25 and 40. All about the same. I gained one day in time. I will be gone for this weekend and will try under clocking my computer when I get back and see what happens.

Please check how the days at the bottom of the 48hr, 72hr, etc. screens are calculated. Mine have Day 18 for four days in a row. They seem to be the day+1 when you do the download for all days in the download.

Also, my solar pegs the graph, is there a way to change this scale.

I have tried all types of combinations, but still a no go.

I under clocked my computer to 2.1 G and still had 50% of the duped record numbers, but no trouble ever of downloading the records. If you watch the records in the data report screen you see the same record # over and over then steps up 1. I gained 8 hours time overnight.

i had another look at what i did…and the change in the wake up the station rate only got set when you restarted wd…oopps
a new 10.13b beta is ready now that fixes that
i also fixed a problem with the intercal time when changing weather station type, too

also, it looks like a need new batteries in the ws2500pc i have hear…so i have lost all those days of data (i.e its non resposive), for testing a enteneded data exraction

the problem is that there is no time/date in the data from the data logger,…which makes it harder to line up the time…


I will try it when I get back on 23rd. I did quit and restart WD each time I changed the timing.

Do you have a 2510 PC or a console to test with???

Some thoughts

You could save the date and time a persons quits the program and start logging your days and time from there, counting up at midnight. We can assume anyone with these stations that turn them off will not let them fill up completely. If we do then we deserve it to miss data. A few misses here and there won’t hurt that much as long as it is close to the real time logging that starts at the end of the downloaded data.

yes, i have a ws2500 data logger here…and a ws2010 data logger
but i need batteries in the ws2500 data logger…and i forgot to get them when i was out and about, this morning…
(as i had intended to see how well 3 days of data download worked, but the batteries must be dead (i need to get alkaline me thinks))

Its 10pm the 24 here and I downloaded 5 days of data. Lots of dupe records. I tried moving the timing up and down real time and kept seeing dupe record numbers about every third one and would dupe it two or three times. I gained 3 days and all eight were day 25 in the expanded graphs. This is today + one???

You said you had a 2500 logger, there may be a difference when using a console version. Could you put a check in there to not record the record if the record number is the same as the one before it??? This could be a work around for now. It seems like the stepping up of the record pointer is not taking place each time you request data.

On solar graphing I am still peging the graph. 1500 wm/2 is full scale. Today we had 3500-4500 wm/2 most of the day. How can I scale this down. I like the way yours look on the web pages, about 1/3 to 1/2 scale.

ok, re solar, i will add option for the max reading…
thats a very high reading…i.e more than i would get with the solar sensor i have (at the farm)…
re the too many data records…etc…
could you email me what appears under view, ws2010/ws2500 data setup/view, so i can see better…and try to not allocate data, etc

Jep, same problems 2 over here…

Don’t receive any packets of my weatherstation.