How do I chose which boxes to tick in these groups for a Peet Ultimeter 2000
- Short Data Length, Medium Data Length, Long Data Length
- Use complete record mode
- Use max gust from this data
How do I chose which boxes to tick in these groups for a Peet Ultimeter 2000
On my U2000, I have “long data length” checked
“use complete record mode” UNchecked
“use max gust from this data” is checked.
Been working that way without a problem.!
Interestingly enough, that’s how mine is configured too. I’m not sure if that’s how I originally set it, or if W-D has adjusted automatically. I think it does it automatically because two boxes for Davis equipment keep getting ticked even though I untick them. I wish I knew which settings were the correct ones, rather than using the “it seems to work OK” concept.
You could configure the Ultimeter to transmit its data in “complete record mode” and then check that box. “Data Length”, as I recall, is dependent on which particular ultimeter unit you own. From the Peet web site:(this for data logging mode) “some units may not include data field 12. Some may not include data fields 11 or 12. Total field size is 40, 44 or 48 characters (hex digits)”.
So - you don’t really know which you have until you try 'em. It “appears” that most, these days, use the longer data length.
There is a complete description of the various data modes on the Peet web site.
yes, the data lenght does vary on the model of station…so if wd does not work, then it needs changing
complete record mode:only use that if the console is set to that, and or its needed for other software…as the udpate rate is slightly slower…thats just my thinking
davis ticks: dont worry, they are just default settings for that station, but it doesnt mean its set to a davis (i guess i should not do that, having those ticked)
You could configure the Ultimeter to transmit its data in "complete record mode" and then check that box.Coincidentally I am playing with the settings right now. I have to check wheater my Ultimeter 2000 console is in Complete Record Mode. I experience problems with the rain-reading. I have the Peet-Bros black, eggs-shaped raincollector. It is 0.01 in (=0.25mm). My Ultimeter 2000 console says it has been raining 2.29mm, WD says 1.4 mm.
I also notice that, while I am dripping water into the gauge, the console registrate it as rain, but it is not ‘raining’ according to WD.
All other data (temp., wind, etc.) seems to come through.
The data-counter increases by 2 counts each second.
I use WD 10.16.
I believe that the default is “data logging mode” for the Ultimeter 2000. At least it is on mine.
I’m not familiar with the Pro rain gauge - it’s different from the usual tipping bucket variety. There is a document on the Peet Web site describing how to test it. You’ll find it here:
As far as WD not changing to show it is raining, you may want to check that you don’t have it set to ignore the first rain of the day. You may also want to check in the station setup and make sure you have the .01 rain gauge selected for your Ultimeter.
You'll find it here:
I just noticed the document, and I have performed the tests also. I do not measure the mentioned 5 Volts, but only 4.23 Volts
As far as WD not changing to show it is raining, you may want to check that you don't have it set to ignore the first rain of the day. You may also want to check in the station setup and make sure you have the .01 rain gauge selected for your Ultimeter.I have selected the .01 rain gauge for Ultimeter. Should I check '*10 times amount needed' as well??
re rain:
go to setup, extra settings and misc, and tick, log raw data for testing
then email me the file ultimeterrain.txt, after you add some rain (only add small amounts )
you will find the file where you have wd installed
I have the Ultimeter 2100 with the pro rain guage. I use the data logging mode. No problems. I’ve used complete record mode, but I found data logging mode to be better.
email me the file ultimeterrain.txt, after you add some rain (only add small amounts ) :)Meanwhile I found out that there seems to be a problem with the gauge. I carefully and slowly poored in 300 ml. of water, but the Ultimeter console didn't register it. It could be something with the very short wires that PeetBros used. So, first I have to fix that problem.
This is from Peet Bros. on the Pro Rain gauge:
The ULTIMETER PRO Rain Gauge is a digital electronic rain gauge which operates on the principle of collecting rainfall in a funnel top, converting the rainfall to drops of uniform volume, and counting the drops electronically. Its ability to form uniform-volume drops is maintained until rainfall rates exceed about 12 inches/hr (300 mm/hr), at which time the high flow rate of water through the gauge exceeds its ability to form uniform drops for counting, and rainwater tends to “gush” (instead of drip) through the gauge. With regard to accuracy, the ULTIMETER PRO Rain Gauge requires no field calibration to achieve or maintain accuracy. Maximum accuracy is achieved first by optimum placement and level setup, and is maintained through periodic cleaning of the gauge.
For those who wish to test the operation of the ULTIMETER PRO Rain Gauge, several points should be considered. The first and most important is the rate at which water is introduced into the gauge
I’ve read the PeetBros. article about the gauge a few hours ago and performed the tests in the way they say.
The wiring inside the gauge seems very short; too short, IMHO.
Probably there is a broken wire or so, or some bad contacts. I read a lower voltage then the 5 Volt they say.
Poored in 300 ml. in a period of app. 1 hours, but the console doesn’t detect any ‘rain’…
re rain: email me the file ultimeterrain.txt, after you add some rain (only add small amounts ) :)ultimeterrain.txt is more then 14 Mb. If I delete it, will a new, smaller one be created?
yes delete it…as it keeps on getting added to…
yes delete it keeps on getting added to...That was not such a good idea: deleting it. Immediately WD crashed. Restarted the program, and after 3 seconds it crashed again. Over and over. Re-installing did n't help. Only restoring the ultimeterrain.txt file helps ;-)
yes, as its been appended to each second, it needs to be deleted when wd is not running
if it does not exist, then wd should recreate it…at start up…
oh yes, as its been appended to each second, it needs to be deleted when wd is not running if it does not exist, then wd should recreate start up...Nope, that didn't help. I closed down WD, deleted ultimeterrain.txt, created a new text file, called it ultimeterrain.txt, and th
i have just checked the code, and I have found some mistakes with the peet bros station rain setting…
will be fixed for the next version
Is the Peet Bros rain fixed by 10.17e?
I’m just trying WD with Ultimeter 2100, and WD doesnt agree with the peetbrros display.