Password keeps being requested


I upgraded to 3_01 and immediately each PC wihich runs the applet starts asking for a userid and password (Internet explorer style) for my web site. I downgraded to 2_50 and it is still doing it. Arrrggh!

What’s going on?

Very confused.


Other people have occasionally reported this (it must be a peculiarity of certain web hosts) and it’s usually been down to a typo in the file locations or a missing file. Can you post the URL?


Hi Julian,

I host my own web.

I have this page as an item on Active Desktop and it will go for a few minutes/hours and then starts asking for a password sometimes it will go away after a few "cancel"s sometimes it wont. I have this on two or threee machines. All the same.


p.s. It does the same when opened normally in a browser. You seem to have to open it and wait a few second/minutes.

I’ve had your site running here for the past hour and it’s been absolutely fine. Is it just happening on a specific PC or in a variety of locations?


I hit his site with Firefox and after about 10 minutes I got a password request pop-up window…

Well in that case it has to be something to do with the webserver trying to serve a file from a location that requires authentication.


I hit his site with Firefox and after a few minutes I got a password request pop-up window…

Aha! We seem to have a common theme here. I use firefox too. I am going to try just using IE (sigh) fo a while. I will post results later. Thanks for the help so far folks!

I used IE6 with no problems other than a slightly longer data load time than usually for WDL

using IE6 for 1 hour, no problems with your site

It’s driving me MAD!!!

The Firefox theory is disproved. It is IE that does the pop up password request. Tried it on a newly formatted laptop. It didn’t do it for and hour and a half… then off it goes!

Arrggghhhhh…Save me from the password prompt!!

it is stil running in frontnof me,still no problems

after more than 1 hour IE asks a password

Is Julian around?

Julian is there something that WDL does after an hour or so?


Julian has a young family, and the wife is happiest if he spends not so much time on the pc in the weekend. your patience is appreciated.
( I am in the same boat, and my wife locks the door to the computer room sometimes)

Good point Brian, we all tend to take Julian’s and your 24 by 7 availability for granted. It was good to see those pic of the kids and the boat yesterday.

This person also needs to consider that he seems to be the only person in the world with this particular problem…

I think you will find the answer if you have access to your web servers logs.

The request for a password is caused by the Webserver sending out a 401 error requesting authentication. The browser sees that code and prompts you for the password. If the browser has seen this before and you have checked off the ability for it to do it on its own, it will respond with the correct information on its own without sending you that message at all, kinda like it never happened.

Your webserver is seeing a condition that is causing it to request a 401 authentication request and the web logs would have that information, and the data being requested in the log. In an apache log it looks something like: - - [06/Nov/2004:15:17:23 -0500] "GET /ops HTTP/1.1" 401 1999 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913 Firefox/0.10.1"

Why you see it more with FireFox than with IE is most likely more to do with how the browser deals with a repeat of the same request.

Windy. Please believe me. I wasn’t being impatient. Nothing more distant from my mind!

While you are there, I may be on the track of the problem and you may be the right person to help. I run my own web server (same machine as WDisplay is on). I have a little script which copies the clientraw*.txt files from the wdisplay subdirectory to the web directory every 4 seconds or so. Is this the best way?

I note in my website log files some 401 and 404 errors (401 is authentication requred) against web requests for the clientraw.txt file. So it seems sometimes that my web server is asking for authentication for clients to read the clientraw.txt file. This must be popping up the password requests on the client machines.

I wonder if the problem is to do with the web server serving the file at exacly the time it is being updated?

The question is what way do you recommend that clientraw.txt is copied to the website directory on a machine that is both the wdisplay host and the web server.
Best regards,

Good Grief! You must be psycic krelvinaz! We must have typed the last posts simultaneously!