Overwhelmed by the options and webfiles not updating

Using the 10.12r version, I can’t get the webfiles to update.
I’m running my own webserver on my local network. So what I’m tryong to do is get the webfiles update every 5 minut4es using a ‘normal’ Windows path.
I’ve searched this forum for quite some time now, but it’ll only update when I do a manual update.
Any ideas where to look?

Cees Cappelle
p.s. the weather pages might display at:
Can’t get the pagename to index.html (not even with the override settings)

Welcome to the WD BB. Even though it doesn’t make since make sure the Main FTP switch is on. Setup > Control Pane;. Select FTP/Internet/metar/etc button. Select the Connections tab. Then make sure the Main Internet switch is set to main on. I also checked "Still use Ftpupd.exe for everything but normal uploads. Everything else is left alone I believe. Another thing to do is simply set the Web files location to the mapped directory.

Rimsky, Welcome to the WD BB. Even though it doesn't make since make sure the Main FTP switch is on. Setup > Control Pane;. Select FTP/Internet/metar/etc button. Select the Connections tab. Then make sure the Main Internet switch is set to main on. I also checked "Still use Ftpupd.exe for everything but normal uploads. Everything else is left alone I believe. Another thing to do is simply set the Web files location to the mapped directory.
Did that and left it running overnight. I got some files now, but still not an ws2310.htm. Thanks for the help anyway. Do you, or anyone else, know when and how the update mechanism is triggered?

Though the settings grhughes told me aren’t really intuitive, they work! :smiley:
WD now updates my ws2310.htm file every 5 minutes.