Output from Soil/Temp/Moisture on front graph.


I am using channel 1 of a Davis Soil/Temp/Leaf station in order to measure grass min

ok, i will add option to plot soil temperature instead of indoor temperaure

try a new 10.20n zip
and tick this option
note,its not retrospective

Hi I am now running 10.20n - but I can not see where the new option to display / plot soil Temp Channel 1 instead of indoor temp or instead of extra temp sensor is located ??

it should be on the graph setup
(above new name for indoor temp/extra temp)
but you might have a cached version
so try a new 10.20n zip download

No - def not there - even with a new 10.20n download #-o

i will get 10.20o up so then you will know…

I have a related question…I have added an extra temp sensor that is being read by a labjack. I found the above mentioned option (use extra temp sensor x in place of inside temperature). I clicked this and it is graphing without a problem. BUT (there is always a but), I would like to plot the inside temperature AND the new extra temperature sensor on that graph. I am poking around but do not see anywhere else to add it it. It would be ok to add the extra temperature sensor to the graph with the wind speed and the pressire if that option exists.

Any ideas?
