Well - it’s not real-time but at least it’s working.
Can’t get the latitude entered into the sun/moon rise/set. The program keeps saying “please enter a value less than 67”. Huh - I’m entering 029.
Well - it’s not real-time but at least it’s working.
Can’t get the latitude entered into the sun/moon rise/set. The program keeps saying “please enter a value less than 67”. Huh - I’m entering 029.
Links not working for me =(
you migth be trying to set lat as long and vice versa me thinks
you should really be using the 3.0 verison
as it fixes a few things, like graph being cut off, and solar thing in the table
i.,e unzip the zip download
re the wmii data extraction not working…is the date/time correct on the weather station?
re the comport: i am not sure why that is happening…any error under view, program error log at start up?
Sorry about the www.koipond.org link not working - apparently domain redirection doesn’t like to pass along directories. The box is gardengate.dyndns.org:8080 as Brian found out.
I haven’t found an error log where to check for anomolies. the logfiles directory doesn’t have anything that looks like that. What is the file name I should be looking for?
I thought Chris made version 3 available for my download – I’ll check again.
It seems that the data download is happening, but I don’t think it pulled all of the data in the datalogger. There should be several days worth of data there.
Actually Brian, there is no program error log (there is a ftp error log).
I thought I gave you 3.0… hmm
The com-port thing is solved in 3.0.
I never could get the data extraction to work, but then i have it on 24/7 so I never would notice.
ah yes the comport is fixed in vers 3, which is the latest Zip version
i remember now
vergil:i guess i need to apply the same routine in the windows version for the data extraction…
there should be a view, in the view panel, a program error log,…or did i take that out…hummm
brian, the “button” for program log is still there, but it is nowhere to be found in the actual WD directory
oh, i didnt mean an actual log file, but a window to view it like in the windows version
i cant remember if i put that into the vers 3 linux version…
if not, then i will next time i get to looking at it
oh, i didnt mean an actual log file, but a window to view it like in the windows version i cant remember if i put that into the vers 3 linux version... if not, then i will next time i get to looking at it :)Even if you use the "window" nothing comes up
it appears that if you install both the one weatherdisplaylinxu.zip on my site and the one on the weather-display.com site, you will have the latest version, which will fix a few problems (most imporatantly the graph cut-off).
Concerning the degree symbol being replaced with a ? is odd because I don’t have that problem, I don’t think it was fixed in the newest version, but i could be wrong.
Concerning the degree symbol being replaced with a ? is odd because I don't have that problem, I don't think it was fixed in the newest version, but i could be wrong.Wasn’t that some kinda font thing??Chris
what i could do is have option not to show the o symbol
will take a bit of work …for the next zip version…
Brian, I don’t think you would need to do that. It works fine on mine, so I think it must be a font issue. There should be some way to solve it by just changing the font setting…
or downloading a new font set
I think I now have the latest versions (as of a few days ago, that is). For whatever reason the degree symbol is replaced by a question mark (still.) I’m not the only one with the problem - there is another series of messages in this forum about “bad fonts” or something like that (member LaneLester). The issue occurs with late versions of both KDE and Gnome on my desktop AS WELL AS on the generated output (see for yourself at gardengate.dyndns.org:8080. Gnome complains that I have a missing character set “GBK-0”. This character set is apparently for Chinese or eastern European or something like that. It is not a common character set apparently for the west.
On another tangent…
The generated html output (the weather data page) has broken links, i.e., files are missing (yestergraph.png, and icon at the top of the daily report page for two). I also can’t option out the image for sun/moon at the bottom. Maybe this is just my unfamiliarity with the application - I don’t know. The graph output seems to be inconsistant - sometimes the bottoms are included, sometimes not.
It still is fun to see my Davis talking to the Linux box! Thanks Brian (and Chris)
re the links:
those file should be updated at the averages/extreme update
try that out, under action, update average/extreme now…
re the graph:
you need to be using vers 3.0 to fix that
re the
ok, i got it sorted out… as well as the two you already installed you need to instal the 2.4.tar.gz, which I will post a link to either tonight or tomorrow morning… With those 3, you will have version 3.0 which will fix your cut off graph problem. The sun moon image can be turned off under setup, summary image, then uncheck have sun/moon as seperate image.
version 3.0 is MUCH better, sorry I didn’t realize everything I had installed :oops:
here is the location for 2.4… install where you already have wd installed
also, i would think, extract the zip version to finally end up with version 3.0
thanks chris for making the files more accesible
i have told Florian about the problems with downloading the files normaly…
somehow they are not working too good with the server load balancing (which is over 3 ftp servers)