Options for barometer instruments

Hi Julian,

In WD I’m using the settings for the barometer not to show decimals. The reason is that the WMR968 doesn’t mesure in decimals range.
Always seeing a “.0” is very boring!

Do you think it’s feasable to add an option tag e.g. 0/1 to the instrument tags e.g. VU meter usable for barometer?

Something that I would like to see in a future version would be to have barometer display options that are closer to traditional instruments, a bar graph (mercury) and/or a tachometer (aneroid) rather than a VU style meter.

Both should be possible - I’ll add to the list.


Many weather stations only display pressure in 1 hPa steps. My too.

I’ve added the option for decimal places for the barometer to the next version which should be available in the next couple of days.
