One day video

Would it be possible to limit the size of the streamed video to one day (midnight to midnight).
This to avoid huge video files if WD is running for days and days.

Clarence, Brian already said he’s working on that, one of these days we’ll hear from him. But even one 24 hours file is a huge file, we will have the chance of making files must lighter.


Let’s hope meteoabrantes.

ok, i want to start on this…
can one of you guys put up a screen shot of your web cam settings that you have to create this video file?

Hi, Brian
I hope this is what you need. If not, please ask.

ok, the key is having ticked ASF instead of direct network streaming

I will see what I can do!

Thanks! Good luck, Brian!


i have added abiliity to set a preallocated file size fo the asf
i can only presume this work …let me know
in a new 10.21q zip, uploading now…

Brian, I think it’s not working…
Working with 10.21q or r, it’s the same: I tried to preallocate the file to 50 Mb, but VideoGrabber.rec growed to more than 150 Mb without any asf file being created. Then, I changed it to the preset value, 100 Mb, and the same happened. Right now, the VideoGrabber.rec goes on growing, but no asf file is created.


ok, i must be up the wrong creek with the wrong paddle
I will have to get this file going here, that you have going…

If you need me to send you anything for checking… WD restarted after midnight as usual, another VideoGrabber.rec started, but no video file.


i set up the same settings as you, except no asf publlishing point
i get a .avi being created, on the fly, which gets larger and larger…and the live network streaming was still available too…
(i.e if you tick, network streaming only, then file is produced, yes?)
but you say you get a videograbber.rec file?

you actualy want this huge video?
with windows media player , it would not let me fast forward or move througth the .avi file :frowning:

Hi, Brian:

After reading your reply, I tried a few experiments myself (with 10.21v), in order to give you more detailed information. First of all, I erased the publishing point, to follow your own way:

  1. Setting the recording method to AVI or MPEG, when I click to create a 10 Mb preallocated file, a 10 Mb VideoGrabber.rec is created immediatly; I click to start recording, but nothing happends, even network streaming is not present; however, when I click to stop recording, an AVI file is suddenly produced (in my case, it was a more than 10 Mb file).

  2. Setting the recording method to ASF, when I click to create a 10 Mb preallocated file, a 10 Mb VideoGrabber.rec is created immediatly; I click to start recording and the VideoGrabber.rec file is kind of “rebirthed”, as it begins growing from scratch; in this case, network streaming is present, but no video file is produced; however, when I click to stop recording and the VideoGrabber.rec already has 15 Mb, no other file is created. But if I change the extension from REC to ASF, the file is readable by WMP.

  3. Setting the recording method to network streaming only, when I click to create a 10 Mb preallocated file, a 10 Mb VideoGrabber.rec is created immediatly; I click to start recording, but no other file is created; however, network streaming is present; after a while, if I click to stop recording, it simply stops network streaming, no video file is created.

The main issue, about the 3 experiments above, is that no video file is created automatically, even if it seems that in your case it does, a non-stop growing AVI file. However, for me, and I think that for the most of users, the creation of only ASF video files is enough, as AVI files become huge and unsplittable after a certain “weight”. But right now, with version 10.21h, witch, in my case, still produces ASF files, in order to manipulate them, I must have WD restarting every few hours, or the file becomes too large to be manipulated.

Thanks for you efforts and I hope this report may help you more in your work.


ah, ok, i did not use the pre allocated, as I was trying to duplicate the original problem
now, i can get ws to set the file name for the .avi file, instead of a numbered one like it is
and so then i could get wd to delete it at regular intervals?

Hi, Brian

Yes, but for me the numbered file would be nicer, as I may need to keep one or more of them, let’s say… if something strange happends around here, like snowing, lol. This way, there’s no need to make WD delete video files, as we can do it when we no longer need them. And, besides, please don’t forget that I would prefer asf to avi, please.

Thanks again

ah, ok,
well, then, I could wd to change the filename used, say , every hour of the day?
how do you mean asf?
just with a .asf extension?
i.e does changing the .avi to a .asf work?

Hi again

Yes, the filename changing every hour of the day would be great, or like it was supposed (it seems) to be in version 10.21v, where we could input the “weight” of each file. For me, it works perfectly any way. When I say asf, this is because I have it ticked to create asf files, not avi ones, in the recording method option. This way, asf files will be created automatically, instead of avi, I hope.


dont know if you noticed, but I did add where you can set the file name for the asf, in a new 10.21x, as a starter

Hi, Brian

Yes, thanks, I noticed that and didn’t say anything only because I knew you were away. I’m using the ASF recording method, preallocation of 50Mb files and choosing Abrantes as the file name, even if these two last things aren’t operational yet. It still only returns the Videograbber.rec file, the one that grows from “scratch” whenever recording is started. Even so, I experimented some improvement and I think you are much closer to achievement, as Videograbber.rec file can now be manipulated: last friday evening we heard a car crash outside. My wife said: “What do you need the webcam for? Let’s see it!” As a dedicated husband, I tried to do what whe said, trembling of fear

ok, also, i found an option for it to still be able to be split if a large size

but, also, I can add the ability to create a movie file (with slider) from the time stamped web cam image files…and have it where you choose the time period to create the movie from