NY Times Article - WeatherStation Profiled uses WD

The below NY Times Article was sent to me from a Weather Related Mailing list I am on…

“Hobbyists Fill Out the Weather Map”

It appears that the Weather Station the story is built around is using WD…


(Registration is required, however I believe it is still free)

www.broomfieldweather.com is the site…


yes, Greg told me about that article :slight_smile:
Greg has used all the weather software and finds weather display the best (but they did not print that)
Maybe you too will grow to like WD more and more too Jaxweather :wink: #-o

After 10 days of using WD along with that other software I find WD to be more reliable in uploading, and without a doubt is far better with my personal weather station, the La Crosse WS-2310, as it pulls data 10 times more often or better :slight_smile:

The last couple of days I have been slowly replacing custom aspects of my site with data provided directly from WD and as of now all the data being provided to my web sites front page is actually provided by WD, just one image that is created and updated by that other software :wink:

WD is also directly providing my uploads to WeatherUnderground, which I had been sending every 15 mins with the old set up but have found that WD can reliably handle every 5 min data feeds, though I wish there was a 10 minute option…

The only aspect I seemed to have a problem with, and it may have just been me, is the uploads to CWOP. My attempts, so far, have indicated that the APRS application from that other software is more reliable… BUT that is not to say I have given up LOL

All in ALL I would have to say that if you want to set something up out of the box and just forget it WD is a lil challenging in that aspect… However with time and patience you can get more out of WD and depending on the Weather Station you are running it may be far more…

I do have to admit it has been fun, and I am sure it will continue to be fun in combining aspects of Both applications and as time moves along I am sure I will just add more and more content to my Weather site… Heck I am already running two different Flash applications… Weather Display Live being the first that was up and running Licensed 8)

Happy New Year to one and All :slight_smile: and thanks for welcoming me into these Forums :slight_smile:


ok, sounds good ,
there is no resitrictions on talking about or naming VWS on this forum, feel free to do so.
yes, I will add a 10 minute button for wunderground next version

But please keep discussions objective and factual. Personal attacks on people associated with other software or inaccurate descriptions of other software won’t be tolerated :x

LOL PicOlio is my Boss and I think the world of her and her web site… and that is NOT trying to suck up to the Boss… And if any of my posts in the VWS forums were ever seen by anyone as thinking less of other applications I certainly apologize as that was not, is not, my intention…

I would not belittle anyone for their choice of software nor weather station and I appreciate the ability to speak freely here. The only reason i even posted the above was that I knew that Brian knew I was using VWS prior to WD, and that I continue to, and wanted to let him and the other users here know that I do like WD and do use it and the pluses I have found up to this point.

On the VWS forums, it appears that discussing other application such as WD is frowned upon and I respect that as it is their forums… I have found that I have been able to provide some assistance to some users on those forums and since I am in the Customer Support line of work it seems natural to me… I would hope that at some point I would be able to contribute as much or more here in these forums.

Chris I fully understand your post and also respect pointing that out as it is always helpful in any Forums to make sure that certain aspects are observed and I also appreciate the fact that flaming other applications/solutions is not tolerated which to me certainly lends a great deal of weight to a forums of this nature.

Thanks again,

On the VWS forums, it appears that discussing other application such as WD is frowned upon and I respect that as it is their forums.
i thought that might have been the case, and so I deleted what I said (which I should not have had said, and I apologies ) so shes your boss, LOL!

LOL, No foul no harm :slight_smile:

And YUP she be “Da Boss” LOL

Brian, PicOlio said many good things about you from her dealings with you about WD, and I can add my good thoughts to them as well… So far it has been an absolute pleasure both in interactions I have had with you as well as in these Forums and if I may…

Wishing you and your family the Very Best for the Upcoming New Year (well for me upcoming) and Hope that 2005 rings in with good things for good folks :slight_smile:


If you are bugged by site registration requirements like the nytimes I suggest using http://www.bugmenot.com/

I wanted to follow up this aspect of my post as I discovered what the problem was, or appears to have been, in using WD to provide data to CWOP.

The Latitude and Longitude I had entered into the APRS Data Send fields in WD were entered as follows:

Which was the method used to enter them into the other APRS application I had been using…

Reviewing the Raw data that was shown in my CWOP page I noticed that the data was being received by them but wasn’t indicating that I had recently updated data on my main CWOP page.

I changed that value, and the longtitude as well, to the format. 3018.29N and then the data being uploaded was reflected as updating the main page.

Very strange as I noted CWOP showed the WD data being received but didn’t indicate that that data was being used until i changed the format.

In any event WD is now uploading all of my CWOP readings as well as WU and is now the primary source of data on my web site as well.


WD is also directly providing my uploads to WeatherUnderground
You know Weather Display also supports uploading to weatherforyou.com, don't you Bob? :wink:

Sheesh, you’d think you’d remember to mention weatherforyou.com… considering… :smiley:

Joe Torsitano

Hi Joe
welcome to the WD forum :slight_smile:

Well Hey Joe, fancy meeting you here… I have to leave some chores for VWS you know :wink:

Actually I am glad you popped by and give me an excuse to plug WeatherForYou, which I found out my Mother had found and been using, and still does to check on friends weather around the country.

If anyone isn’t signed up for WeatherForYou Personal weather then head right this way :slight_smile:

Signup your station here: http://weatherforyou.com/pws/pwsadd.shtm


next update of wd will have the sign up page changed to the url:
is that correct?

Thanks for the plugs, Bob. 8)

There are still two types of programs running on weatherforyou.com highlighting personal weather stations…

weatherforyou.com was also mentioned in the New York Times article, and yesterday in the Sacramento Bee. :slight_smile:

Joe Torsitano

I’m not signed up…but then I’m not in the continental US. It’s worth mentioning this to avoid non-US forum members not to rush off looking for the non-US sign-up page :wink:

Thank you for reminding me that this is a World Wide Forum… I can tend to get US focused, and for that i do apologize.

I would hope that other Country/Regions have resources available to them similar to those provided by WeatherForYou, and as a US based individual I have been lucky enough to have those resources available to me. I see that WeatherUnderGround appears to provide personal weather station listings for at least some additional Geographical regions. I am not sure if AnythingWeather is also US based only or also provides world wide coverage…

If there are other, similar services that individual Weather Station owners can contribute to, assuming they are not already listed elsewhere, this Forum would be a great place to provide information about those. If not maybe someone here will start thinking about possibilities and getting with Joe, possibly, and seeing what they can get going in their Region…

If I have, in my ignorance about international offerings, missed that there are already other similar services, my apologies in advance…


  • You never know what a simple post may possibly generate… Could be the next biggest deal :slight_smile: -
It's worth mentioning this to avoid non-US forum members not to rush off looking for the non-US sign-up page
I'll be expanding the map to include International locations in a few weeks. So if you are outside of the US please feel free to submit your station for inclusion in the expanded Personal Weather Station map.
If not maybe someone here will start thinking about possibilities and getting with Joe, possibly, and seeing what they can get going in their Region
I started the site to be a Personal Weather Community. After six years it still feels like I'm the mayor, secretary, treasurer, police, public works and stree sweeper of this community. :lol:

Joe Torsitano

I’ve just submitted my station :smiley:

I sometimes think things work better when they’re driven by one person with a passion for what they’re doing. Having said that, I’d be happy to collaborate with you on any projects involving to Europe. I currently have spare web space and bandwidth if that might be of use. Unfortunately We don’t have Met Offices (or more probably governments) that are quite as enlightened as NWS/NOAA (they want to charge everyone for every last item of data), so anything that can expand the spread of free data across this continent is very interesting.