Not Posting to Wunderground... surprise

I downloaded Weather Display last night and am unable to get it to upload my Weather Monitor II’s data to Weather Underground.

The login and password for wunderground are correct. The station data are displayed in Weather Display. Internet features are turned on in both the main FTP/Internet area and in the Weather Underground area of Control Panel.


This is the only thing keeping me from switching to Linux from Windows… With my WIndows software… at least my station data upload.


something like this should be in ftplog.txt

FTPUPD.EXE started at 01:45:00 AM 11/30/2004
****agenda items to do...****

With the other settings you listed active, I have nothing in ftplog.txt.


Thank you,

what happens if you try the “test send” on the weather underground page?

everything looks normal…
maybe contact wunderground and see if they receive your ID data?

it should still have something in the ftplog.txt, which he doesn’t. It is not even trying to send it.
I am thinking the the connection box is not correct (maybe doesn’t have permanent connection ticked?)

i missed thast…

do you have ticked, ftp logging, in the connections setup?

Thanks for all your replies. I’m still not getting out to wunderground.

FTP logging is enabled… I’m always connected to the internet.

I did notice that whenever I move the mouse pointer over the links in WeatherDisplay that the pointer changes to a watch symbol.

Does this mean anything? None of the links in the program work.

Thanks again… hope we can get to the bottom of this.


the links were from the windows version, to start up IE
but you should copy the code in the edit box as the url to use
i.,e the url should be:[color=Red]IFRANKLI1[/color]&month=12&year=2004&day=1

i.e change the part in red to your wunderground ID

do you have I have a permanent connected to the internet ticked?
what happens when you try test data send in wunderground?