Heres an odd one for you …
My dial image has grown bigger and now won’t resize correctly. It’s expended to 883*709 …
Can anyone tell me what’s happened ?
Heres an odd one for you …
My dial image has grown bigger and now won’t resize correctly. It’s expended to 883*709 …
Can anyone tell me what’s happened ?
setup, usefull screen size
then click on NO
then restart wd
then go back, and then click on yes
and then restart wd
try that
Yes, that worked …
Although WD didn’t look like it was allowing me to turn it off i.e. it stayed ticked whatever I did. Including restarting. Although the screen changed when I re-clicked ‘Yes’.
Thanks Brian.
i see your windspeed is above the dials max
check you dont have a max value for the dials set in use in the units setup
(force the wind dials top reading to this number)
It was set, and I’ve now increased it to 101mph … but it doesn’t seem to have made any difference to the image - I’ve just uploaded it and it looks the same.
I’ll leave it running and check when I get back home in about 9 hours or so.
Let me know if there’s something else I can do to force it to correct itself.
Thanks again.