Noaa report older months

How can I show the NOAA reports from one month before, two months before. Is there no storage for that after the end of the month? I was looking in the webfiles, but just only found the new October Noaa htm file.

go to view, averages/extreme, then use the calendar to change to the month, click on update
then click on view Noaa style report

but Brian,what about my website?


I am sure you are busy with many things. no doubt about that. but my question was just to get at the end of the month a text file as noaa report so it can be stored on the website. As I see that you already store more month files, maybe this possible too.
the same as a noaa year file.

under view, averages/extreme,
scroll right down
then turn the switch ON, upload a daily noaa.htm file to my web site

i.e it will be :

you could also… after doing everything else… is save the noaa report as a txt file or what you want under different names. then producing a reference to each of those months.

maybe good idea if i get wd to do that auto…i.e a date/time stamped file