I know we have discussed this by email but still appears to still be having problems.
The NOAA report (Averages/.Extremes for month reports), when generated at 9am, is being generated prior to 9am and thus, when it prints, is actually two days behind eg at 9am on Sept 30 the last values reported in the report are for Sept 28.
In addition - and I haven’t mentioned this one before - the end of month auto printout is being generated at 9am on the last day of the month - essentially one day early ie the data for Sept 30 (if it were to be included in the report) wouldn’t be shown on the auto-end of month report - yesterday mornings printed report headed Averages/Extremes for the month of September 2003 only included to September 28 and was printed on September 30 (shouldn’t have been printed until today, Oct 1st as the cut off is 9am today)
I was thinking the same here, i’ve got WD set at 9am for the reset time and according to my data, 8.59am 1st October is for the month of October.
Is this correct? i could ring my local weather bureau and find out.
I worked for 15 years with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and yes - 9am on the 1st becomes the last collection day for September. But, even if it was midnight, the same would apply.
From discussions I had with Brian about the before, it appears that the NOAA report is being generated just before the daily rollover at 9am (when you have it set to that - not sure what happens for a midnight rollover) - so the report is generated and THEN the daily re-set is done.
I can fax you the EOM printout if that is of any help - basically, it appears to be running it a day early and this, combined with the report being run before 9am or at leat the 9am updates/rollovers each day compound the problem.
in the code I have written, the routine runs at 5 minutes past midnight or 5 minutes past 9am
but I will step through it in a simulation to see what is happening
(but today I have to go to playcenter again)
well, whatdaya know
I scrolled down the code, and the report that is emailed is done at the wrong time, i.e 1 mintue before midnight or 9am
next version will have this fix
Brian - see what going to the playcentre does for you? :lol: - anyway - glad you found it - I promise to go and hibernate for a while (well just a little while - have to spend rest of day recovering from a DoS attack yesterday
Last month (Sept which is a 30 day month) it printed on the 28th. You have found part of the problem (ie printing before the daily rollover) - the remaining part was that it printed a day early - it actually printed on the 30th but because of the rollover it was only complete until 28th - whereas it shouldn’t have printed until the date was the 1st.
9.94 fixes an old bug where by the day of the rain and the day of the temperature data was out by 1 day…
this bug only occured if and after you went to the noaa report setup under view, averages/extreme
been out all day, have not had a chance to to a good soak test of the noaa end of the month roll over
tomorrow is another day
Not sure if v9.94 is supposed to fix this problem - it hints that it has been fixed on the WD site:
Vers 9.94
11th October:Bug with day of Noaa rain, Noaa temperature and wind fixed (occures after going into the noaa setup in the view, averages/extreme).
well, i get lots of emals and lots of people with problems, so you need to assume I am stupid
it will be related to your daily reset not occuring
zip and email me your log file 102003lg.txt and wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt
Brian - I am not doubting yours is OK - however - please read the full message - there appear to be two problems which I have asked - only one has been looked at.
First - I asked IF this was still a problem and showed what v9.94 generated this morning.
I then also asked if there is a problem with rollovers because 9.93c and 9.94 have NOT rolled over for me here for the past 3 days - 2 days ago I now know why - the program simply disappeared from memory just after 9am (it did it again this morning at around 9:35 am after I forced a daily turn over ie just completely dropped out of memory).
Now this may be part of the NOAA problem I am seeing, but I don;t know how the program works (ie does it need to have done the rollover to report the previous day?
yes, i have stated that it will be related
if you could zip and email me your log file , as I requested, and your wdisplay.ini file then I can see why its not liking doing the 9am reset
i.e you need to read my posts as well.
I am trying to help if you let me.