No windy Icon & still Sunrise/set Icon probelm

Hi, running 10.21E, I have no Windy Icon on my summary or main screen, The “Curr Weather” states windy, so the condition is being detected but no Icon. I did have the Icon last night so It migh be a day thing.

Also Sunrise & Sunset still not showing on Summary. (this one has been around for a while now)

Re Brian

Just to confirm that now nighttime has arrived my Windy Icon has appeared.

Re Brian

I was just wondering about this as it is very windy here but I had no windy icon. I normally set the weather from my solar sensor so I tried turning off this setting in the solar control panel. Magic my windy Icon the appears on my main screen and my summary.gif! Can I suggest you see what happens if you also use solar to set icon. Maybe we need another exception as well as rain? BTW I dont seem to have a sunrise/sunset problem.

I do use the Solar Sensor to set my Icon, so I will try that in the morining but I think you are onto something.

Agree that we need a windy night Icon (I think thats been suggested before)

Re Sunrise / Sunset do have a seprate image for Moon & Sunrise/set?

Re Brian

Can confirm that its the solor senor icon’s that stop the Windy Icon from showing during the day.

Would be nice to have an option or Windy Sunny Icon’s