No icon on top right od WDL (sun, clouds...)

Is there anything to setup to get the weather icons on the top right (sun , clouds…). In only have the words in the center left (ie dry…).

Did I miss a setup ?


WDL displays icons based upon the sync icon information sent by WD and also from the current conditions text. There are icons for most weather conditions but not all - ‘dry’ being one of them.


Thanks, I’ve a sun now… I thought there was a graphic with every condition.
Also may I ask another question? - I’m currently starting with weather-display so…

Where does the cloud base come from ?

Also, I have a La Crosse 2500 PC station with a bunch of external temp/humidity sensors. Where I can set them up to see them on WD ?
Can I also see display them on WD Live ?

Thanks a lot for helping a beginner…


The cloud base is a calculation of the height at which clouds could form based upon the current conditions.

I don’t know the answer to the La Crosse 2500 extra sensors but I’m sure others will! However if they appear as extra sensors in WD then yes you can display them in WDL. WDL supports upto 8 extra temp or humidity sensors.


you are using WDL , for fast updating, with a la crosse 2500, which only updates 5 minutes for the separate data logger or 15 minutes for the console…well, OK…

in wd, cloud height is determined by the humidity and the altitude you set in the units setup

the extra temp/hum sensors should show up in the ws2010/ws2500 data report…
but i will check the code to see if i have them hooked up to the data in the clientraw.txt file

just checked…extra temp/hum data should be there in the data feed to WDL, so you should be able to set to display a extra temperature and extra humidity sensor in the WDL xml config file, and then set its x/y co-ordinates and size and label name

Thanks a lot for all the infos. I have the external datalogger (WS 2500 PC) so 5 Min. refresh. I’ll work on the config file for displaying additional sensors in WDL tomorrow.

I have one more little issue. When I go in the View / WS2500 Data logger Setup/Info, I have very strange values for tem/Humi on sensors 7 and 8, others are correct. The values are completely out (-11

removing the batteries from the datalogger, then leaving it sync with all the sensors, for 15 minutes or more before running any software, should fix that

Tried resetting the logger as mentioned but still same issue with sensors 7 & 8. As said before, when I use the original software to read the logger I get the right values → this means the logger DOES have the right valu in memory.
May it might be an issue decoding the values of sensors 7 & 8 in WD ?
Indication: sensors 7 & 8 are sensors that have only TEMP (no Humi) as oppposed to sensors 1 to 6 that have TEMP AND HUMI. Mayve an explanation ?

Also I tried setting up WDL to display those additional sensors (up to 8 ?).
Since I have sensors 1 to 6 doing TEMP AND HUMI + 7 & 8 doing TEMP, this makes a total of 14 sensors. When displaying the Extra 8 sensors, it looks like I have ExtraSensor1 to 6 equal TEMP values from sensors 1 to 6 while ExtraSensor 7 & 8 equal HUMI values from sensors 1 & 2.
This seems to math what I can find on the clientraw.txt file (there seems to be 4 additional HUMI data after this).
Can you confirm how many sensors are saved in the clientraw file and in which order (Sensors 1 to x TEMP, ten Sensors 1 to x HUMI) ? Shouldn’t it be SENSOR 1 TEMP, SENSOR 1 HUMI, SENSOR 2 TEMP, SENSOR 2 HUMI… etc… ?

Also another remark, could we have the possibility to set to km/h also for FRENCH language as this the correct unit ?

And last one more question ? Where do I get the current conditions text from ?

Thanks again for all your help.
Making great progress setting it up !!


When displaying data from extra sensors, it works correctly with:
but not meterHumidity

The meter displays with the label but without the value displayed (ie 52%).
Also the needle stays on the left adn it has no scale.

Hope this helps,

i have not configured wd to work with temperature only sensors…
re the client raw, it should have the data as the order of extra sensors data as wd finds them…
extra temp 1 to 6, then extra hum 1 to 3
and so the extra hum 1 goes with the extra temp 1…
should work like that

so,with the temperature only sensors, is the temperature being reported OK though?

Why is it TEMP 1 to 6 then HUMI 1 to 3 ? Is it a total of 9 max ?
It seems that TEMP only sensors ( 7 AND 8 ) are NOT in the clientraw, so no way to display them in WDL…
Timorrow I’ll make some more tests to find out if they display correctly in the View/Exrta Sensor page.

Any plans to support the TEMP only sensors ? (use it for pool temp…)

Forget previous post about meterHumidity. Might be my mistake…


i would have to add those extra sensor temp/hum to the end of the clientraw.txt file
Julian said to me, someone will want them…

but a ws2010 station only gets new data every 3 minutes…so WDL is not going to update with data very often…only every 3 minutes…?
but i guess its a nice way to display the data, yes…?

I confirm that the Sensors 7 & 8 (TEMP only without HUMI) DO NOT display correctly - TEMP value is completely messed up !
This can be seen in the VIEW/WS 2500 Data Logger Setup/Info screen as well as in the in the Extra sensor Real Time Graph screen.

I have a good description on how to detect TEMP only sensors and decode the values. Let me know if you are interested and I’ll make it available (PDF file). I used it create a Logger program and it works ok.

To anser you latest post, yes, it would be nice to have them because the display of WDL is really great.

Also I confirm the issue with the meterHumidity on extra sensors not working - see previous post.

Also will it be possible to add the km/f for french language ? There are other words that are quiet long and overlap on others on the default WDL config file using French language (facteur vent for WindChill and Indice de chauffafe for Heat Index) - could they be customizable in the config file ? - just throwing out ideas…


yes, send me the info
i have added the extra temp/hum data to the clientraw.txt file in 10.17g
so Julian will have to add that…

I’ll add the extra humidity sensors to the next version. I’ll also look into the meterHumidity oddity.

Re the French text, I’d rather get the correct text to appear from within WDL. If I were to add the language settings to the config file it would mean approximately 900 extra tags! Can you suggest a shortened translation for the phrases or words that are too long?


I’ll have to think about shorter translations. If not I may just rearrange the display so they do not overlap.

Is it possible to add “km/h” as option for in French language as this is the cirrect unit abbreviation in France.

Other small question, where do I get the “current condition” text from ?
I have seen olny “dry” up to now on my system but others have things like “scattered clouds at xxx ft” etc…

Thanks again,

Is it possible to add "km/h" as option for in French language as this is the cirrect unit abbreviation in France.
Yes I'll add to next version.

The current conditions text you are seeing are from Metars which can be set up in WD.


I’ve just testing vesion 10.17r and WDL 2.04.
I’m still having the same issue with TEMP only sensors displaying wrong data.
Are you planning to support those in a future release ?

Thanks again for all your help,

'm still having the same issue with TEMP only sensors displaying wrong data
Are the values in the clientraw file correct?


The values in the file match the ones shown on the WS2500 logger setup page : they are wrong in both places (but they are the same).
The valu should be 18.4 and displays 29 right now and this is also what shows up in the clientraw.txt file.

Hope this helps,