No alarms from MeteoAlarm in Saratoga template


I am not getting any alarms from meteoalarm lately on my saratoga template.
I know this works different but I do get them on my pwsdashboard.

Some time ago my isp server has been updated.
I am now on php version 7.4.33 but I was running 8.1.
I can set this to 8.1 again in my control panel but I am not sure if this alarm problem is related to it.
I notice in check fetch times this:
allow_url_include = off
Should this be set to On maybe for the meteoalarms to work?

Warnings here:
Weerstation Westland - De Poel - Weeralarm en waarschuwingen

Zuid-Holland until 8 pm
Netherlands | MeteoAlarm | Early Warnings for Europe


Hi Weerstation,

Sadly the Dutch (Netherlands) file is growing continually.
As of today the file contains 10.442 warnings which need to be checked.
First chunk of data arrives in 3 seconds, last part after > 20+ seconds in a high-speed environment.
So even the setting of 30 seconds for downloading the file is not enough.

Script used: /get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php

Version 3.16 - 08-Mar-2023 - fix for changed API URL and increased timeout to 30 seconds

Error messages in the HTML

get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php (976) NL_warnings: time spent: 30.001
 -  invalid CURL Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 12387381 out of 23422141 bytes received
get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php(386) invalid data load

If your Dashboard-script or if your Saratoga-script or if both will fail to download depends on how slow the meteoalarm server is returning the immense file with nearly no valid data.

You can adept line 949-950 in the script from @ktrue from

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); // connection timeout
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // data timeout


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 40); // connection timeout
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 40); // data timeout

If your provider allows download-times of more than 30 seconds, it should, for the time being, return the warings if there are any :rage:


Sadly asetting the timeout to 40 seconds did not help as the allowed time is still to short.

<!-- Fetch Status:
get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php (976) NL_warnings: time spent: 40.0018 -  invalid CURL Operation timed out after 40000 milliseconds with 15839985 out of 23272804 bytes received
get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php(386) invalid data load

With the 30 seconds there was 12387381 out of 23422141 bytes received
With 40 seconds there are 15839985 out of 232728041 bytes received.

For one reason or another data loading fails if less than 60 seconds are used.
Maybe it is extremely busy ate


Thanks for the quick response and help. Much appreciated.
After editing I waited a little but I see you checked on the file already.
40 seconds won’t load the warning either.

But more than 10.000 warnings for NL alone! :scream: