First off, Happy New Year to everyone.
To those who’ve already helped me, Thank you.
To those who will help me during 2005, Thank you in advance.
To Brian, thanks for the labor of love!
Okay, the questions.
Where is a good site to clue myself in on meteorological stuff. As in, what are metars, how do I use them. The usual newbie things I guess
My WD /WS2310 setup seems to be recording a lower level of rainfall than my rain gauge in the ground, probably 1/3 or more less. Any idea where I look to correct or explore this?
If i use a program such as star office’s html editor to build my (first page ever) basic web page, can I still edit it to include the WD info? Guess the Q really is, if I ref. the data in the new page, will it pick up the data from the items WD ftp’s up for me?
That’s probably enough to get me started for a week or so…
Thanks so much!
(Ken, So San Francisco, CA)
I’ll start with the rain readings…
I had a similar problem when starting out with the rain gauge being off, especially during heavy rain.
Brian had me check the following - been pretty much right on since.
Setup > Control Panel > Weather Station Type & Station Settings > Go to the tab for the LaCrosse WS-2310
Then tick the box for “I’m using a modified rain gauge”.
Don’t know why, but it worked for me - try it out.
About doing a custom page…
I think we are about at the same stage as far as understanding WD and learning HTML -
Here’s a thread of mine that will give you some reading material. Toward the end of the thread, I used the sample custom webpage idea. What I did was followed the directions to get it to upload, but uploaded it so it wouldn’t show on my regular page. Now I can play with it, learn how to use it, and see my results on the web without anyone else being able to view it (for now).
The help pages contain a link to a .de web site where it says i can down load icons for WD. when I go there, i get a German language rejection screen -- any ideas?
Try searching the forums here. I know there are a couple of threads that mention icons and contain urls.
If i use a program such as star office's html editor to build my (first page ever) basic web page, can I still edit it to include the WD info?
Guess the Q really is, if I ref. the data in the new page, will it pick up the data from the items WD ftp's up for me?
Yes, if you reference files that WD uploaded to your webserver you can use them in your html.
that does not exist anymore, as those icons are now in use in WD
others have posted links on this forum to their own icons which you can use in WD (go to input daily weather and then double click on the icon to replace)
I also experienced some problems with rain with the WS-2310 and have since checked the “modified rain gauge” but have yet to see any additional precipitation to test with…
Thank you everyone for your helpful suggestions. Working retail, I’ve been off he computer so much lately I haven’t had time to followup nor digest the info you’ve given me. I have a 1/2 day off today, so I printed out this thread to read over lunch (dinner?).
Sorry if I appreared ungratefull by not replying in a timely way, but life seems to interfere with the things I really want to do.