As a long time VWS user, I’m finally taking the plunge with WD and am having some issues figuring things out.
I noticed that there are a number of files created shortly after midnight and only then - most of these are yesterday, monthly, and annual type of summaries. However, I notice that solardetail.gif and raindetail.gif are also updated then and only then on my setup. I must be missing some check box??? The information on these two gifs makes no sense if updated only at midnight. On solardetail.gif there are fields for current raw reading, current %, and current ET. If generated once at midnight these will always be zero unless one lives near the South Pole. Similarly, on raindetail.gif, rain last six hours will be zero for at least 18 hours of the day and the current day rain box will only show the rain for the first five minutes after midnight. It seems like these two files should update and upload at my normally set rate for everything else which is every 15 minutes. What am I doing wrong?
Also I found a message in another thread that had a set of alternate icons that I really liked. The instructions indicated that I just needed to place all the icon gifs which were already named correctly into c:\wdisplay\myicons. I did this and restarted WD in case this was also necessary, but IO am still only getting the built-in icons. Any ideas?
Re: icons -
The way I change my icons (may not be the best way…) is click on “input daily weather”.
Then, you need to double click on each icon, then choose the icon you want - find your new icons where you placed them within WD.
with the rain detail and solar detail, then you can update when you need:
use the customise internet and file creation setup, see under setup, control panel
then the last files on that list
(and you need to set the over ride switch on, and then also set the times to create and upload each file (as its a override)
but it means you have complete control
and yes snowman is correct about the changing the icons
ps, i have fixed the units issue on the extra sensor info screen (with the graphs) in a new 10.20o, uploading now
ps. welcome to the WD Chas…bit of a coo really, as I think you were one of the first VWS users?
you can use the general ftp , in the ftp/internet setup, and then use the 2nd server ftp setup
(and becuase there is a #2 general ftp setup, that allows a 3rd ftp server to be setup to ftp the selected files to , as well