New Weather station in South Texas

Just to introduce myself

I guess you can use that webcam as a boarder control watchdog cam… :forcefeed: :bazooka:

Welcome to the forums

Nice! What network webcam are you using?

What webcam? I can’t see one.

No the Web cam faces north The web can is trendware brand and to get to the webcam on the page its in the drop down menus
web cam images

Ahhh…those drop down menus. You probably need to make them a little more visible. I’m getting used to seeing Firefox tabs in that part of the screen, so I missed the fact that they were part of your page and not part of FF :oops:

its a real pain not having java in fire fox
whats the story there?

I’ve got Java in my FF.

Tools | Options | Web Features | Enable Java

This is with the Sun JVM (Version 1.4.2_05 (build 1.4.2_05-b04)) installed on the machine if that makes a difference?

thats ticked, but then i must not have sun java installed (although i thought i had)
when i try to do a load plugin (java) it says no plugins available

I don’t seem to have a Java plugin installed.

I’m running FF 1.0PR is that makes a difference?

Under setup – control panel is an option for webcam setup. Is your webcam connected to the same machine running WD? Makes it fairly easy to setup if it is. In my case, the webcam in on another computer and it ftp’s the capture to my webserver. I then have WD pick it up there for including on my webpage as well as ftp’ing it to other external web sites.

i think you may have to install java after intalling firefox or reinstall java after installing firefox

I don’t remember doing this, although my memory isn’t always perfect!

Had to install Java after installing Firefox also

ok, refresh me, where do i download the java from?
:lol: :oops:

You can download it from this site

You should be able to find it here:

thats it!!!
(after i restarted firefox (closed all open windows first)
that URL was the one to use Jbrooks
but, i had to use IE, to do it, LOL

I have found it very inconsistent, some things that don’t work in FF because of missing Java pop up a “download the add-in” box, but some just don’t work and don’t tell you why :frowning:

I’ve had some strange things happen with the 1.0 pre-release version. My default page has a flash section that worked fine in 0.9. Upgraded to 1.0PR and it quit - told me I needed to install flash 7. I did, same error. Over the next few weeks I tried several more times with same results. Finally yesterday, I tried again and it took. Have no idea what may have been hanging things up, but…