If you select a another month / year and hit the update button the scale changes if you select another month and update it changes again, in fact the scale keeps going up every time you hit the update button.
i noticed that…
10.16r, ready soon, fixes that
What new “Sunshine hours chart”?
What new "Sunshine hours chart"?View, Sunshine hours 8O
Looks good. Thanks.
I just downloaded the new 10.15Z and the path View > Sunshine hours Evapotranpiration looks like it always has? Is it weather station dependent?
I just downloaded the new 10.15Z
It is in Version 10.16R.
10.15Z is very old now
Hum … I just downloaded it last night. 9-4-04???
where and how did you download it greg
no other reports of persons getting old versions
I just checked and I did get a newer version but I inadvertently loaded an older version. Sorry for the alarm. I’ve been traveling for the last 2 weeks and haven’t been able to keep up. In haste I downloaded version 10.16R but turned right around and loaded 10.15Z. I just got version 10.16s and the solar graph is that and looking good.
What constitutes an hour of sunshine? Mine is showing approximately 5 hours each day this month yet it has was sunny all day yesterday?
Again sorry for the false alarm.