New site in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Please let me know if you find any bad links or problems. Suggestions welcome. Currently, my “yesterday” graph is not updating. I have to take a look at that…


very nice :smiley:

i really like the header. simple and clean :smiley:

very nice :D

i really like the header. simple and clean :smiley:

Yep, a good job!

I like the movie. What’s your webcam hardware/software?

The camera is a referbished Logitech Quickcam I purchased from ebay for $30. The software is Image Salsa (to grab the images) and Movie Salsa to make the movie.

The only reason I am using Image Salsa to take the images instead of WD is I can grab them every 30 seconds which makes for a smoother movie then just taking the image every minute. However, now I cannot see the history of images by moving my mouse over the wind graph in WD which I think is a great feature.


if you can get imagesalsa to produce a image file where the name does not change, then you can use wd’s 3rd party web cam setup and select that file, and then wd can use that file and create its time stamped image files…

Thanks for the tip Brian. I’ll give that a try. :smiley:

Seeing the history of camera images while mousing over the graph is a great feature!


even just going to control panel, web cam setup/view, then click on the top button there…load/set the web cam image file…
and select the static named web cam image file…

i could not get imagesalsa to work with my web cam .,…i might try the latest version of image salsa one day soon :slight_smile:
(jason has done a good job…and you can get wd’s data into image salsa via the VWS comptible data.csv file (see under setup, general and misc)

i have fixed a bug with the data.csv file for image salsa in 10.18x
that was stopped image salsa from reading the data.
thanks to a user who found out what was wrong ( i was setting the seconds as milliseconds instead of seconds)