Don’t ask me why but the graphs shown at each end of the month seems to be off track
and this phenomena shifts up which is logical
but when I look to the trends (graphs 72h 48h etc they give the correct data)
This means that something is wrong with the interpretation of WDL versus WD data …
something in the extration/interpretation (monthly) of the clientrawdaily file?
This is the second month on a row, so I’m quite confident that this is a bug …
something even more strange, oktober whitch counts 30days shows 2 error days
november which counts 31 days counts 1 error day …
Did you work with 32days a month perhaps?
my graph is OK
(it does not look that)
but I have 9am reset time
maybe if you send me your data files month112004.inf and month122004.inf
bed time here
windy, I sended you directly the monthxxx.txt ion zipped format, since the txt files were approx 1280kb …
since 6/12 no reply any more ? pleace help, I want to solve this problem wich I think might be a bug …
Did what you asked, but no effect at all, during first report till now, i tried several things …;
there were no real errors, in the month december nor november
in oktober, there were several issues, due to the fact that I jumped from one ssystem to the other
and copied onlyu the data but not the logs …
You can still see the problem (nearly end of month)
I’m afraid on the 0th january will spike again for temperature & windspeed
barometer and other readings are not affected
found anything yet on the txt & logs I sended?