New forum features

If you spot anything interesting about the way the new forum software works, please add a comment here. Lets try to keep this thread just for announcing interesting finds, i.e. if you want to discuss any of the new features, please start a new thread. Here are a few from me to start you off…and I’m spotting more each day!

  1. Click the little Up arrow just below the word ‘Search:’ (not the Search button) and see what happens.

  2. You can click on the column headings to sort *ascending/descending) by date, number of posts/views, etc

  3. Advanced Search allows you to really home in on specific forums/words/users of interest

  4. When you’re posting a message, click on the ‘Additional Options’ link just below the text entry field. It allows you to set various options, including adding an attachment.

  5. See my post in Announcements about getting an RSS/XML feed from the board

  6. There is no 6 8O

Even though it is automatic, I really like this feature:
When you are composing a post, and hit preview, a warning message comes up if someone else posted to the thread while you were typing (keyboarding?). It prompts you to review that post before you hit the submit button. Very cool!

That’ll save a few :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Maybe others have noticed this, but I just did…
When viewing a list of topics within a section, a “new” icon is next to threads that had activity since your last visit. I just realized that the “new” icon is click-able - it takes you directly to the new posts since your last visit - excellent feature as you don’t need to re-read through the entire thread.

Not a new feature but I don’t see it used much here so it maybe worth to mention that you can make links (especially those with long URL’s) look really neat like [color=red][b]THIS[/b] [/color] if you code them this way:

[[color=red][b]THAT[/b]]( [/color]

At the bottom of the forum ‘front page’ it lists forthcoming birthdays. The username turns bold on their birthday…happy birthday today to RRC and Dittmer :smiley: …and if you look at the person’s profile on their birthday they get an icon of a slice of birthday cake with a candle in it 8)