New computer

After installing WD on a new computer, how can I transfer all of my data and settings over to the new one. I like the way I have it set up and don’t want to go through all of the settings. Is this Possible?


I would copy the C:\wdisplay dir to my new PC and copy wdisplay.ini from the c:\windows to the new c:\windows. That is of course after installing the latest version of Weather Display.
You also need to export the following key from your old pc registry:
And import it to your new pc. Maybe there’s an easier way? :?:

You can use the backup-utility of WD. This will zip all the necessary files and create also a backup of the WD-settings in the registry. You can execute the .reg-file to replace your settings. The rest of the files have to be replaced into the dir and subdirectories of WD.

Hope this will help…

just to add more to the good replies,
there is some info also in the FAQ (see the online help)
but, yes, copy the whole folder and sub folders
and wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt to the new pc
and on the old pc, in wd,go action, back up registry entry now…the file, wdisplayftp.reg will be in the folder databackup, where wd is installed
and then double click that .reg file on the new pc
but that assumes a standard user profile on the new pc…
i.e if not, then you will find another copy of wdisplayftp.ini in the registry, which will have a different path name…and so the wdisplayftp.reg file will need to be changed to use that path name
is the default, but it could be different

Thanks for all of the good responses. I succesfully transfered all files.