Hi everyone. Was wondering if I could get some help here please. I relocated from South Pasadena Florida, back to Long Island New York a few weeks ago due to the hurricanes lol, and ever since I have been having problems with my computer and Weather Display. Not sure if it’s a bug, wrong setting or my computer. I’ve been trying to figure out a few other things like an occasional com port error, but the main problem I’m having that’s driving me crazy is after running WD for an hour or so, sometimes sooner, a second window appears minimzed down at the bottom of the screen which states the version and the com port status and it can’t be closed. The only way to close it is to restart WD. I’ve restored my computer many times and tried previous versions and am at verge of buying new computer. Has anyone ever seen this and what can I do to stop it? I attached a link to a picture of my desktop and screenshot showing the problem. If the image doesn’t show, just copy and paste link into your browser and it should work.
i have seen a few similar reports of this, but not sure whats going on
but, check you dont have the wd watch in use maybe (see under setup, extra/misc)
but, though, try:
install wd to a new directory
create a file there called 2wd.txt
and then start up wd there…it should start up like brand new
as a test…
(but then copy across the datafiles and logfiles from the other location)
see if a fresh setting (i.,e reset up the basics) fixes it
Hey Brian. Sorry for delayed reply but my computer went haywire again shortly after I posted this message. I was having other problems with my computer besides the problem I posted about. I decided to stop driving myself crazy by restoring it over and over again and went out and bought a new computer. I got a Compaq Presario SR1220NX with Windows XP SP2, 340 Intel Celeron D processor, with speed of 2.93 GHz, 512 MB PC 2700 DDR SDRAM and 80 GB hard drive. It was only 5 hundred dollars and was well worth it. It solved the problem I was having with WD and all the others issues not related to WD. WD runs much nicer now, opens real quick and barely a blink on the graphs between updates. I still do have an occasional com port error during restarts though. Sometimes it takes a few restarts of the computer to get WD running or else I get com port error message. When I plugged the serial cable into the computer, the computer automatically searched for a driver and installed some kind of Microsoft serial track ball mouse. Have no clue on what that’s all about but it’s working good enough for now. Unless you know off the top of your head what I need to do, I’ll save this slight problem for another day as I have lots of work to do on computer yet. Also will be emailing you again soon for new registration code as old code won’t work anymore on this new computer and am back on a trial version again. I’m starting out with version 10.16c, a version I’m familiar with and with eventually get back to the latest once I’m settled and comfortable again. As always, thanks for the quick replies and great support.