Not strictly a weather web site, but this site does give access to some stunning pictures of the earth with false colour ocean temperature images and other things that may be of meterological interest.
definitely need a fast broadband connection to download that one!
even on my 1Meg connection I need to go and make a cuppa while it downloads! 8O
Yes…it’s 259MB. I left it downloading on my 3Mbps (soon to be 4Mbps) connection!
poser lol - did it take long? broadband is too slow already - need something like they have in Tokyo!
as long as it is worth the wait
I’m not sure how long it took because I went off to do some other jobs and it was finished when I came back.
If you’ve got uncapped broadband then this is definitely worth the download. I’ve only explored small parts of it so far but there appears to be a fair amount of weather related material included…interestingly the GLOBE program mentioned elsewhere on this forum features heavily.
The more I play with this the better it gets. There are animated El Nino ocean temperature plots covering a nubmer of years, dust cloud animations from the Sahara affecting China, USGS 1m satellite images of (presumably much of the US). The only real problem is that downloading the visualisation data is quite slow.
it isn’t awful… i think the biggest single file i have ever download was like 1.2 GB 8O
i think i remember that being ./ a little while ago
and this isn’t exactly weather related either, but this is a great site too
More useful for US based users. The highest zoom for my area is the whole of Europe!