The date being entered into Mysql stopped working correctly. It now has the year and day mangled e.g. 2013-08-04 instead of 2004-08-13. It started doing this at 3 minutes past midnight on Aug 13th and has been doing it ever since.
CARY_WEATH 2004-08-13 00:00:32 …
CARY_WEATH 2004-08-13 00:01:10 …
CARY_WEATH 2004-08-13 00:02:23 …
CARY_WEATH 2013-08-04 00:03:08 …
CARY_WEATH 2013-08-04 00:04:08 …
is the date/time on your pc still OK?
and check the windows regional settings for date/time are still the same
Yes it is correct. This was happening on 15v. I installed 15w and it is working again now. Whatever happened, it started during the daily reset on Aug 13th.
I exported the database to an sql file, fixed all the dates and then recreated the database, all is good again.
I have two minor issues with the mysql data feed:
On seven updates the dew point was stored as zero. I think this may happen right after a program restart, before the station has sent a reading???
The max gust stored in the database by WD is not the same as the max gust stored in the log files, it is always less, even allowing for all possible unit conversion issues. If I import the data from the log files, the gust speeds in mysql are then the same as the logfiles (obviously) - so it seems there is some difference between what is sent to mysql and what is in the logfiles???
Ok, it’s a bug! At midnight update today, WD again started using incorrect dates for the mysql feed, with day as year and year as day. What happens during the nightly reset?
CARY_WEATH 2004-08-15 23:59:09
CARY_WEATH 2004-08-16 00:00:35
CARY_WEATH 2004-08-16 00:01:11
CARY_WEATH 2004-08-16 00:02:27
CARY_WEATH 2016-08-04 00:03:09
CARY_WEATH 2016-08-04 00:04:10
CARY_WEATH 2016-08-04 00:05:14
CARY_WEATH 2016-08-04 00:06:09
At 17:50 I restarted WD, and date format was corrected
CARY_WEATH 2016-08-04 17:48:03
CARY_WEATH 2016-08-04 17:50:35
CARY_WEATH 2004-08-16 17:52:09
I think you are setting a date variable using the wrong local format during the daily reset routine. Please take a look at the code Brian.
which coloumn in the data base row is that date stamp?
Column 2, date, the one between stationid and time.
It’s 12.20 a.m. here and I just checked and it was doing it again, this time the year was 2017! So I restarted WD and that fixed it for today.
One other thing, the first record written by WD after the restart had the dew point set to zero and the heat index set to zero, neither of which are currently close to zero. Perhaps you should write the exact set of data to mysql as you do to the monthly log file each minute, since you have already fixed all the gremlins in that log file and it always has good (non zero) data.
ok, i think i see what might be causing that problem with the date…
i have made a change, and so i will upload a new zip 10.15x now
(and i will also delay the updating until all your sensor data has arrived (the problem you are seeing is becuase the data from the wmr918 does not arrive all at once like some weather stations)
Sounds like you have this one under control. I am off to bed, but I wil update WD tomorrow and stay up late to make sure the new version is good!
Well I have already downloaded and installed 10.15x, how did you get it up there so fast? I will report back with results this time tomorrw.
Hey one other thing, on the main display, for the label Upstairs Temp, the first digit of the temperature is obscuring the “p” in the word “temp” and the Upstairs Hum is almost obscured by the first digit of the humidity value.
actualy, that version does not have the change
but 10.15y beta does
and it will be ready soon
(15 minutes or so)