Supose one connects an oregon scientific WMR928/968(US) on serial com 1
If one waant’s to add own made or other equipment, let say a davis vantage pro
for redundancy & for double checking the values (redundancy) on one machine (pc/laptop)
comparable data (when to take which values)
support for this
Or suppose one conects own made or simple detection devices
cloud sensor with peltier elements …
wet leaf detector
UV a solar detector
For future machines, just connect a serial=>USB connector, so one can add many serial ports
This would be very interesting since one can spread costs in time & devices so not every
time one have to bring down the system/disconnect to add/test devices
very interesting option, since long time continious data isn’t interupted
Nice to know that running multiple WD’s next to one another on the same pc won’t cause a conflict, but then te problem stays: if I want to combine all this information into one file so I can upload only one client raw, dailyraw and extraraw to publish everithing on one screen … That would not be possible yet …
I never tought about this way of working … But if this way of working (multiple WD s running on the pc) can data be grouped into a kind of master file if you give the filenames in? I think this will be tough since te times/data could be (and most likely shall be) not exactly te same (some minutes or seconds of differece)
Indeed brian,
but since the seismometer is a “non discussed device” and possible to connect, I quoted this as a seperate issue
On the othert hand the seismo device gives other readings, and therefor other ways to present this information.
I thought that for some regions, this could mean a valuable add to the WD program …
I see the WD more broad: as environmental detection …
Whatif one adds CO2 and NOx, SOx, O3 detectors and coupled it on this WD …
imagine the use and possibilities, altoug these parameters don’t influence te weather directly, certainly not aerthquakes
BUT on lmong term CO2, NOx, SOx lead to ozon problems etc
… It’s just an idea …
Here the issue is more general, is suppose you have an Oregon Scientific but want to add soil moisture and temp, leaf wetness and use the pluviometer from a davis vantage pro, tahn one would need 2 com ports add a ligtninng detection and you need 3 com ports in total if you want to publis it tha way of course