MSQL Database question

Why is the station_id feild the time with a negetive sign infront? Also what is the point in having 20 wind speed graphs that all say the same value, and the last hour temp and wind speen. I am just not following the point of these.

The last column also says that " someone_didnt_count_the_fields_correctly ". Go figure. What has caused this?

its all based on the clientraw.txt file
which has data in it for creating graphs…for weather display live…
and so , though , some of the data fields are probaly not needed…
chris, the forum admin, used the clientraw description to create the script to create the database…and I am very gratefull…as he is a very busy person…and so some things maybe dont need to be there…and there was also one thing missed in the client raw description, and hence the one more item at the end (which he named…with a bit of humour…(i will have wd not update last one,and then you can remove that from the create database script)

As this is still really only a beta feature we do have an opportunity to tidy things up before too many people take the plunge and create tables full of data.

Brian…if you’re happy to make the changes to the code to remove unnecessary fields (and add the missing one), let me know and I’ll change the database accordingly. It’s probably quicker for me to make the database changes than it is for you to make the code changes! If we can dump unnecessary info then it reduces the bandwidth required a little bit more.

I’d like to go back and review the field definitions. For example, all the FLOATS are defined with no width or decimal places. Definining them more fully might make it easier for some reporting tools to display sensible values.

someone_didnt_count_the_fields_correctly was aimed at me. I created the database with 116 fields but then only found 115 when I entered all the field details :oops:

The comment about station_id being set to the date preceeded by a dash is interesting. Brian…some of your test data on my server showed this effect.

the missing data was the wind direciton, so, we will have to redo it, and , yes, take out those lots of data points, which are not needed

and the station id…that only happens when the cursor is on that data point…or if its a new data point…
i.e click on refresh (the arrow) or move the cursor off, and its ok…weird…at least that is what i found

Hello to all,

It’s a stupid question, maybe but:

What is the MySQL connection to be used for?
Is it only to store the collected data in a safe place and / or to update server based databases or is there any other benefit to use a MySQL database?

The option to store historical data in it is very nice, if I use local DB, but can I do something else with this connection and data, e.g. restoring historical graphs/all time- yearly and monthly records in case of a crash or reinstalling WD on a new iron?

The description is missing (manual), from my point of view.
Maybe it’s a nice and powerfull feature, but is useless if the “HOW TO” is not available!

Searching a forum is a time eating and frustating thing for the user and you, Brian, have a lot of additional work answering the same questions multiple times, I think!

If I can get more detailed information, I’ll use this feature, I guess, but I do not setup a database server just only for playing around.

Looking forward to getting Info on this

the main benefit is that you can use it create graphs via php scripts…and they can be dynamic…i.,e the user selects the date range etc…i.e it allows lots of other applcations/programs/scripts to access the data in a univeral format…and opens the door to lots of possibilites…and as time goes on, those php scripts will be made availble for others to use…its new terriotory at the moment…
the powerful feature of mysql is its query facility…i.e you can ask a query like how much when the wind was in a certain direction, etc

The description is missing (manual), from my point of view. Maybe it's a nice and powerfull feature, but is useless if the "HOW TO" is not available!

Don’t forget that the feature has only really been added in the last week and is probably best viewed as under beta test and refinement at this stage. I’m sure that once it matures into something that’s changing less frequently it will get documented.