MS sql server support

Well I am running SQLServer 2016 which I believe is version 13.

If I use SQLNCLI11.1 the program attempts to connect to the server, but I get the following error:

 Error connecting Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]

If I use SQLNCLI13.1 It immediately dispays the following error:

Error connecting Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed

I had set it to use LOCALHOST
but maybe I need to allow it where you enter your PC name

it connects OK here for me for version 11.1

good info on the named pipes error here

I will add ability to set PC name…

try another update re added ability to set pc name

As I’m already running SQL 2014 with my own tables, to get this to work, without corrupting my existing data, do I need to set up a new db, or will running the mysql.exe create a new db and table to write to ?


it has its own table structure
i.e will be different to your own one
and will not affect your own one

I could add custom setup like what is available in the wdmysql

mmm, same issues as ordnance1, SQL Server version is 12.0, hence why I am entering MSSQL12.0


That is not the same error
Are you sure you are entering the server
Name correct
Try the same format as default above but change the numbers only

Tried that but get the same results as I got in my earlier post.

Did some reasearch and believe that this may be the issue:

I do use ODBC connection
so that does look like it will be the problem
are you able to downgrade to vers 11.1 that I am using at all?

Not sure I can move all the way back to SQLServer 2012. Just wondering, have you tried downloading SQLServer 2016 for free at

yes, i downloaded the free SQL MS version
and 11.1 is what I have running after doing that, strangely
that is what shows up with SQL server config manager too
maybe I have not completed the install of the 2016 version and am instead running an old version I had already?

That would be might thought as well. After installing mssql 2016, when I go into Management Studio this is what I see SQL Server 13.0.1621.5

I did try entering both SQLNCLI13.0 and [/size]SQLNCLI13.1 but they do not work[size=0px]

Untitled picture_1.png

Just wondering. ?You said you also found a solution but that it was not free (1 time cost) what was the solution and what was the cost?

Whoa! I thought I would try this but when I got to the download page:

Take me a week to dl that :lol:

Goes pretty fast on a broadband connection.

Not on my rural “broadband” :wink: Plus it would surely trigger that dreaded domestic error message “why’s the internet slow?”. Maybe overnight…

Over nights good, give you something to look forward to when you get up.

yeah, using the paid solution is probably what needs to happen
but try downloading