Moving WD to another PC - 5 questions

Sorry about the delay in updating this thread but I’ve been occupied doing other things.

I had in my head the procedure to move WD to a different PC, basically it was:

Run Data Backup from Control Panel ensuring the registry entries were backed up as well and then immediately shutdown WD
Edit the registry file and wdisplay.ini to reflect location and path changes
Install WD on new PC
Copy all wd files and folders to new PC including the edited files
Import the amended registry settings into the registry
Start-up WD

A quick read of:
Moving WD to a new/different PC on the support forum confirmed I was on the right track

All went okay until I started up WD and received an ‘Not found’ error for msvcp71.dll

Copied this from the old system to the new one but still got the same error. Went back and read the above posting again only this time more carefully to find it says to install WD after moving everything. Did that and all worked okay.

I suspect that it might have been because the dll wasn’t registered after copying which could have been done using regsvr32 but I’m not completely sure.

Anyway, the moral of the story is: Read the instructions carefully the first time.