More information in the AUgust2004.htm


a lot of us do have additional sensors and uv or solar sensors.

Can we get in the for example August2004.htm something like the solar max of the day, grass minimum of the day, ET and UV of the day?


Sunshine hours, day 1 0.0 ,ET :0.0mm
Sunshine hours, day 2 0.0 ,ET :0.0mm
Sunshine hours, day 3 0.0 ,ET :0.0mm
Sunshine hours, day 4 0.0 ,ET :0.0mm
Sunshine hours, day 5 5.9 ,ET :1.2mm
Sunshine hours, day 6 8.0 ,ET :1.4mm
Sunshine hours, day 7 4.5 ,ET :2.9mm
Sunshine hours, day 8 5.1 ,ET :3.1mm
Sunshine hours, day 9 3.3 ,ET :1.8mm
Sunshine hours, day 10 3.5 ,ET :3.5mm
Sunshine hours, day 11 5.2 ,ET :3.3mm
Sunshine hours, day 12 5.6 ,ET :2.6mm
Sunshine hours, day 13 6.8 ,ET :3.0mm
Sunshine hours, day 14 0.4 ,ET :0.7mm
Sunshine hours, day 15 6.2 ,ET :4.3mm
Sunshine hours, day 16 7.0 ,ET :5.5mm
Sunshine hours, day 17 0.0 ,ET :0.0mm
Sunshine hours year to date= 22.6 hrs

from my web site…it does have the sunshine hours and ET for each day
but I could also add the hi UV too, and low grass minimum

Yes, sorry, ET is there…

With solar I mean max w/m2 for the day.


Good idea for max UV.
Warming up in the southern hemisphere

and what is about the daily webcam pictures, so you click to see dailywebcam.gif and dailywebcam2.gif on one page!!!
hey this will be smart :smiley:

i have added more info now, and links to the daily web cam images if you have them uploading, and you have the links to the daily graphs set to show
in version 10.16i beta

hi windy , thats great !
just that the url for the month is not 08 it is only 8.
looks like this:
the url for webcam pictures is shown as :[b]0[/b]829dailywebcam.gif

but the file is here:
the error is in bold.

then one more question, is it possible that i can setup the lookof the webpage, by my self?

best regards and thanks for this extra fast reply and realysation!
best regards

ok, i will fix that…good point…

web page:
you mean the averages/extreme web page?
there is the custom tags , and there is custom tags for all that you see on the averages/extreme page…so you can layout how you like, yes

windy, i been more thinking about the month page, so that i can get my own header and footer in it.
even for the pictures, so instead to show the pictures on a blank page, it will show the pictures in my page with header and footer.
best regards