Monthly Values

Some strange monthly values coming in tags:

Today is 2 November

Using the tag to show yesterday’s (11/1) high temp gives a value of 63.9 F
Using the tag to show the month’s high temperature gives a value of 68.8 F (and the current temp and high temp for today are both below 50 F)

Tag for today’s low pressure shows 30.143
Tag for yesterday’s low pressure shows 30.021
Tag for the month’s low pressure shows 29.921

Warmest and coldest days this month tags are returning dates from October with out of range values of high= (-58) and low of (122)
Warmest and coldest nights this month tags are returning November values that appear reasonable.

Rain days this month tag is showing a value of “1” when there has been no rain in November.

Another example…
tag for today’s high temperature shows 72.0 F… but the tag for the monthly high temperature shows 76.5 F, occuring today… the WD main screen agrees with the 72.0F reading.

WD 10.18Zed

These seem to be rounding related, probably from the metric to imperial.
considering the accuracy of an anenometer, i am not concerned about rounding of up to 0.5...and i dont think anyone else should be either
Warmest and coldest days this month tags are returning dates from October with out of range values of high= (-58) and low of (122)

you have to wait until 6pm of the first day of the first month before those values are set…they should have at least

Rain days this month tag is showing a value of "1" when there has been no rain in November
someone else reports that....i will have to look into that... it might simply be wd couting the monthly rain total reseting to zero as a day of rain....i think that will be it...but that should come correct hopefully

some of the other month hi/lo tags, the problem at the beging of the month is that some of the data is coming from wd looking too far back and its ending up in last months data…
that should settle, but i will put in checks to check the day
can you posts here what those monthly tags actualy were
e,g for : the tag to show the month’s high temperature gives a value of 68.8 F

My point about wind speeds in tenths is just the consistency… for an instrument that doesn’t measure in tenths, seeing real time values in tenths is odd… then when rounding takes place, it is rounding incorrectly.

The real time value showed as 19.6; the actual value was 20, the saved value (as a high gust) was 19.

yes, i would rather not show tenths for windspeed gust, etc
but people wanted that, even though i exaplained the instrument is not that accurate (i first started with out)
the graping data and log file actualy rounds the winspeed (which is often in knots from the weather station), but that round is a round down…so that is why you see what you see
( i ihink i can change it so its a round up if over 0.5)
(but that is alof of places to change in the code)
(ans note the round is done on the actual knots value which is how wd uses the windspeed internaly)

Well, truly don’t worry about it on my account. There are a whole lot of users out there and at least that many opinions! It is easy enough for me to use Javascript to write a little routine to do the rounding; please just leave it as is, it isn’t a big deal!

one problem lies with the fact wd’s data files, i have stored the windspeed as a byte.,…i.e no decimal place
to save space…which stems from the fact the whole structure of that data file originates with the DOS version…and I have kept the structure the same so that data is backward compatible,i,.e people who have been using wd since the year 2000 can still view those years graphs in wd version today