My monthly rainfall total has reset to zero, since upgrading from 10.20p to 10.20q. However the individual daily records, and the monthly graph, are correct. Unfortunately this is one of the values that is output to my web page, so it looks to Joe Public as if we have had a totally dry December, whereas (if you check view/correct log file monthly totals) we’ve had 53mm. But this 53mm figure only shows on that view/correct screen, not on the main WD screen. How can I fix this?
All the best
have you tried entering the monthly amount in the “offsets” screen? which you can get to by right clicking on the rain tank on the WD screen.
That seems to have done the trick, thanks. I see the year to date total figure has also been zeroed, but I can’t remember what it was, presumably I have to go through and add up all the months plus the month to date?
the year to date rain amount should be in the log file.
example of a line of my log file
27 12 2004 18 45 6.5 89 4.8 1011.0 3 4 208 0.0 0.0 54.0 695.0 6.5
695mm of rain for me so far this year
the loss of rain totals might have been caused by a corrupted latest.inf file, but yes martyn is correct on how to resurect it
Thanks, this has fixed it for all new lines in the log.