Hi all,
As I have been updating WD, I have been losing elements on my webpage. I was missing some banners I added to the data3 file, but now I am missing the 5day forecast graphic. Am I missing something that I am supposed to do after updating to re-activate my custom web elements? http://home.wi.rr.com/vallone
i wouldnt have thought so…hummmm
Can I send you the file?
the datahtm3.txt file?
On the way. Thanks much!!
the forecast5day.gif is in the file to view, but it doesnt exist on your web site
so you need to check that you have it uploading…?
Sorry to be ignorant, but where do I look to make sure things are uploading?
when you view the 5 day foreast in WD, click on upload to web site, and then set to yes
and then it will be uploaded the next minute after you have downloaded the forecast file (i.e like from noaa , etc)
Thanks, it was off. Any ideas on the banners not uploading?
which/ what banners are you refeting to?
11:30pm here, time for bed
No problem… at the bottom of that file there’s several custom adds… I’m not great at HTML… there’s 2 sets of the HTML that puts your link and version number on… maybe I need to delete the 1st one, all the custom stuff is below it in the datahtm3.txt file… Thanks
FOUND IT. missing a command
Thank you for your help Brian!!!