Missing records update


For nearly 2 months I’m using WDL (updated today to version 2.05) together with WeatherDisplay (updated to 10.18d). First month: no problems. Since the beginning of October I’m not able to get all the records in WDL updated. September is still the actual month and all the new records (all well presented in WD 10.18d!) are not published in WDL!

What is the problem and is anyone able to solve this?
Please, take a look on http://www.xs4all.nl/~bleekerk and ‘click here to enlarge live dashboard’.

Regards, Keimpe

are you refereing to this months all time records?
i just checked my WDL and its OK
did you set the url location for the clientrawextra.txt in the wdl config file (and the clientraw.txt)

Hi Brian,

Yes, must be OK: checked and double checked. The ‘actual’ month in the records pop-up window is still September. In the year- and all time records overviews, the latest announcements are registered in September, while the actual latest records are written down today, as I can see in WeatherDisplay…

Regards, Keimpe

are the values OK in wd under view, averages/extreme, when you clic on this month?

Hi Brian,

Yes, View > Average/Extreme is presenting correct values for October. … 8O strange …

post here your clientrawextra.txt file

At your request, the actual clientrawextra.txt:

12345 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 6 6 4 6 3 3 4 6 1 12.3 13.1 13.1 12.5 11.4 10.8 10.8 10.7 11.1 12.4 14.4 15.4 16.6 17.1 16.8 16.9 15.7 14.8 14.0 13.6 2.0 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.6 24.8 15 03 04 09 2004 7.5 06 54 16 09 2004 30.9 21 43 16 09 2004 5.1 09 09 19 09 2004 999.6 19 12 14 09 2004 1034.2 11 23 08 09 2004 13.4 18 48 13 09 2004 9.8 18 20 13 09 2004 30.9 21 43 16 09 2004 0.0 00 00 00 00 00 -50.0 13 29 02 06 2004 100.0 13 29 02 06 2004 -0.0 21 06 21 09 2004 338.0 00 00 00 00 00 135.0 00 00 00 00 00 20.4 18 00 04 09 2004 11.2 06 00 16 09 2004 12.5 18 00 22 09 2004 18.3 06 00 11 09 2004 26.0 11 19 10 09 2004 50.0 13 29 02 06 2004 32.1 14 53 06 08 2004 7.5 06 54 16 09 2004 30.9 20 04 02 07 2004 10.0 20 04 18 07 2004 990.6 21 13 18 06 2004 1034.2 11 23 08 09 2004 67.7 15 40 13 08 2004 36.9 20 37 18 07 2004 30.9 21 43 16 09 2004 0.0 00 00 00 00 00 -50.0 13 29 02 06 2004 100.0 13 29 02 06 2004 -0.0 21 06 21 09 2004 338.0 00 00 00 00 00 135.0 00 00 00 00 00 26.8 18 00 06 08 2004 11.2 06 00 16 09 2004 12.5 18 00 22 09 2004 24.5 06 00 07 08 2004 33.7 17 18 07 08 2004 50.0 13 29 02 06 2004 32.1 14 53 06 08 2004 7.5 06 54 16 09 2004 30.9 20 04 02 07 2004 10.0 20 04 18 07 2004 990.6 21 13 18 06 2004 1034.2 11 23 08 09 2004 67.7 15 40 13 08 2004 36.9 20 37 18 07 2004 30.9 21 43 16 09 2004 0.0 00 00 00 00 00 -50.0 13 29 02 06 2004 100.0 13 29 02 06 2004 -0.0 21 06 21 09 2004 338.0 00 00 00 00 00 135.0 00 00 00 00 00 26.8 18 00 06 08 2004 11.2 06 00 16 09 2004 12.5 18 00 22 09 2004 24.5 06 00 07 08 2004 33.7 17 18 07 08 2004 50.0 13 29 02 06 2004 1014.0 1014.1 1014.6 1015.3 1015.8 1016.2 1016.6 1016.6 1017.3 1017.7 1017.9 1018.6 1018.6 1018.5 1018.3 1017.9 1017.3 1017.1 1017.0 1016.5 21:52 23:04 00:16 01:28 02:40 03:52 05:04 06:16 07:28 08:40 09:52 11:04 12:16 13:28 14:40 15:52 17:04 18:16 19:28 20:40 0 0 0 0 0

the numbers in that file are only for the 9th september
check the file create date/time on that file
and check for any other occurences of that clientrawextra file

the date/time of the clientraw.txt is 19-10-2004 21:24
cleintrawextra is 26-09–2004 22:00 …
What have I done wrong?

thats the problem
its not being updated
which version of WD?
try deleting that file
and do a search for all other instances of that file

the clientrawextra.txt is deleted on the webserver (ISP),

I ahve made a manual upload of the clientrawextra.txt to the ISP server and it is working …properly

the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe
uploads that file (every 10 minutes) auto
but make sure you are using the latest version of that program by downloading and intalling the full version of WD, and getting that file overwritten (you need to exit it first)

Yepszz, finally it is working now!

thats good

yes, sometimes its a good idea to let the full installer update running associated WD .exe programs so that they get updated (and exit them first)
you are not the only one to have not done that enough 8O