hi Brian, I know you are very busy, but
sending the synop codes with e-mail does not work.
please have a look at ftplogfull.txt:
list of files uploaded***
actual messages from upload session*
Starting to Dial Connection: eTel
New Connection Found: eTel
Status: Connecting/Dialling
Status: Validating User and Password
Status: Connected/Online
Checking for what else to do…
there are 2 more things to do
Sending Synoptic
Synop to email not found
Checking for what else to do…
there are 1 more things to do
Sending Metar
Connecting to mail server.
220 surfeu.at ESMTP CommuniGate Pro 4.1.6 is glad to see you!
EHLO oemcomputer
250-surfeu.at domain name should be qualified oemcomputer
250-SIZE 10485760
250 EHLO
164: [164] (no description available)
Finshed email agenda
Finished email agenda, no ftp items to do…
Doing abort procedure/program close…
Will disconnect regardless flag is set…
Disconnecting the modem now
Status: Disconnected/Offline
I dont know, if this is a secure mail server or not…
What is to do now? I am using 9.96a with ftp 6.42.
The newer vers of ftp crashes (there is something written something like NO PROTOCOL or similar in the ftpfulllog.txt - unfortunately didnt save this protocol)
I am also a bit afraid of installing a new vers, because I am sending every 1 hour weather data to our broadcasting cooperation and also to the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics in Vienna.
Therefore it is complicate, if there is a crash …
Best would be, installing a new vers, if there are all features like synop and each e-mail weather report ist running…
ok, now, do you have the produce metar and email metar switches on>?
you should then have a file called metar.txt in the synopmetar folder
and do you have all the settings for the email set correct on the setup screen, like a email to send the metar to?
also, the from email , address, i have just discovered, is the setting you have set in the weather report setup,for the from setting…try setting that there
also, checking the code, it looks like i may have made an error:you will need to have the email to send to set as the #3 email send to
try that
if all that fails, then try attaching the metar.txt file to a normal weather report email send, maybe