Metar forecast in wdl?

Only a sun or ligthning appears (when upload is jammed & faulty data is transmitted) in the right corner
but even when its raining it isn’t shown …
Which is logical since this is the online version, …
I guess I could place a forecast gif in backgrounf & use the trancparancy option, but
this is not really a neat solution…
anyone suggestions ?

When the data is ‘faulty’ what is shown in the current conditions text? The icon is determined by the text and synch icons if set.


When faulty data is used its hail, ligthning and a bit of sunshine, see attachement :wink:

I thought I’d put in place code to stop garbage being displayed. It’s obviously not working so I’ll look at it again.


I know also know why garbage is shown:
The realtimeftpclient 3.3 hangs sometimes (after a day or 2)
it can upload the file and once the upload is started, it braks of
don’t ask me why …
a reboot op the ftp client seems to do the trick
as posted by windy I ticked on restart instead of relogin every xx minutes
This should do the trick …

Now the question for actual state of the weather (rain icon?)
but could alsso a forecast gif be shown in one way or another since
they could be interchangealy used (ie and for thre current weather condition and for the forecast
weather condition … just an idea …

When garbage is displayed what is in your clientraw.txt file? Anything at all?

Alternating icons between forecast and current? Nice idea but wouldn’t it be confusing for the average site visitor?


the file names exist size 0kb
is not downloadable afterward by ftp prg (I tried with ftp pro and ftp voyager)
I guess the txt file is totally corrupt
I think this might be a problem of the provider itself
since I can only login from home …
If I try this from work, it blocks since I enter via another service provider …
The use of 20MB on this site is for free
If the problem stays, I’ll register my own domain & go via an international ISP
I’m thinking on

yes and no: if the conotation is made lice
actual and forcasted, seems pretty logical i guess …

If the file is empty I can check for that. I’ll fix it (again!) for next version.


file is empty since 0kb is shown, but is corrupt to (not able to open)